Download Well after taking a break from Halo for a bit, I came across a game my dad had just bought, Unreal Tournament 3. So I messed about on it online for a bit and it is a great game. But anyway, after seeing a vehicle on it called the FZ-5 Raptor, I then had my inspriation for my new map. So here it is The Raptor, its not a remake as I did change quite a few things on it so it was more inspired. The Raptor has a square head, and a curved body with two wings on either side. At the front there are two mounted gun turrets (beam rifles), and is the inside is accessible by breaking the pallet at the top of the raptor. And heres a quick picture that I used for comparision.
Thats real cool i just don't dl things unless you can play on or use as stage for vids but i think its amazingly unique... but i could use for a vehicle in a vid so ill dl =]
Sure thats fine with me, you can use it in a vid, I only ask that you give credit to me in some form or another as the creator of the map
At first I thought It looked nothing like the Raptor, but I guess thats because I played UT2004 a ton, and this is what I will remember: Great stuff, btw, Mr. Biggles.
Yeah but you might not recognize it because I changed the body outline quite a bit as well as other parts, so it was more inspired from a Raptor than an actual remake.
Well, I was more referring to the fact that I have played the older versions of UT, not the most recent, so I didn't even know what the newer one looked like. But, I understand what you mean though.
and that, is why you are/were a mason seriously man this map looks great, i had never seen a raptor before, but as i was scrolling down through the pics i was visualizing it in my head, it turned out pretty much like the real thing except purple(?) and the wing-like things were a bit more square
Love the raptor, second best vehicle in Unreal 2004. The BEST vehicle in U2004 was the Leviathan, and I can send you a picture of that if you want to make one. In other words, NICE
at first i thought it would be like a dinosaur raptor, but then i saw the pic and was like oooooooooooooohhhhhh, very impresive
Looks pretty good homie. For some reason, the beam rifles jsut dont look right. I think you should change it to a hammer.. Personal opionion. Btw, is UT3 a good game? Im tihnkin about gettin it. I always was in to the first one.
I wish UT3 was out on 360 already!! Its been delayed till June. Anyway nice map. I hope you make one of a goliath or leviathan. btw, you raptor actually looks a little more like a cicada.
It looks alright but more, smaller aesthetics to go with it would make it really fun. All it really is is a rectangle with legs, sorry
Well I'm sorry you didn't like it, but if you download it and look at it propely, you will find that it is not just a rectangle with 'legs'
Truly outstanding Biggles. Its a shame that so many people dont realise the amount of precision and patience that goes into making the things that you make. It is perfect, down to the millimetre. It looks stunning, i would love something like that sitting on my map. Keep up the good work, and dont let the lack of comments get to you, people just dont know a masterpiece when they see it.
When I saw the name 'Raptor', this is the first thing that popped in my head. Cool, again. Nice job Biggles.