I was thinking today and it hit me... It doesn't matter who you are; you can never be truly unique. This sounds a little melodramatic but if you think about it there is no such thing as originality. Whoever you are someone has been there before. If you try to be "yourself" you'll end up in a group of people just like you. Depending who yourself is. By no means does this bother me anywhere, because I'm happy where I am in life but it does ring true to my ears.
That could be true from one perspective, but that's looking at it from a very broad point of view. Even if you are part of a 'group' like you said, you will still be unique amongst your group. There can't be someone in your 'group' that is that exact same as you. I guess its just how you look at it.
No one is occupying the space that you're siting/standing in at this moment, except you. No one has ever said the entire combination of words that you speak and type throughout your life, except you. No one has ever walked or ran the exact direction and distance that you will move throughout your life, except you. No one has ever burst out of your mother's groinal region at the precise moment of your birth, except you. You are unique, you are an individual, you are precious. Now shut the F*CK up and listen to more Heavy Metal.
Listen to more hip hop, yo. Think deeply silent, and you would have realized that everyone is unique. Some people want to fit in with a group of people (dress like them, use all the slang they use) but they're still unique inside.
See, the thing is, it doesn't matter. You feel like you and as long as you like feeling like you who cares if "you" are like other people. Originality is overrated. Just do whatever makes you happy so long as it doesn't unfairly infringe on what makes other people happy and who cares if what makes you happy is just like what makes 10 million other people happy.
does shaving your eye brows and dying your hair blue enough to be unique, cause I had friend who did that...his eye brows never fully grew back.
No one has the exact same physical, genetic and atomic make up of you either. Do this and I slap you.
Next, you get to realize that your life is essentially insignificant and that your death affects nothing in the scale of the universe.
Next step is to join in Project Mayhem. You must believe in Tyler. And you must let go. oh right wrong thread sorry
This is from the "Conformity" thread that was short-lived in the debate section. Pretty much is what you said. It's a paradox.