Escaping MapsLong ago I found this as a method of evading the guardians of sandbox, and later found it could also allow a lone forger to escape invisible shields. Over time I realized this was unknown to the forging community so it is explained in the following. First, place an object which has openings set so in a certain position you can imagine it could hole water inside; (tube corner) in the case of this it will be holding a forger. Now place or hold the object so the part that would "hold water" is facing away from the invisible wall you wish to pass through. Then go into the object and face the invisible barrier in forge mode. Finally, note the location of some landmark to determine the distance you have moved, and pick up the object still facing the invisible barrier. The object will try to move to its natural distance from the player, but the player, being inside the object, will be carried with it even through invisible walls. This can all be acomplished without setting down the object but is more complicated. Although it would require much more skill, doing this with a flat object such as a wall may be possible. People say this is the same as a challenge from Forger's Cell; however, I doubt this because foundry lacks invisible walls to my knowlege. Now for the people who are too dumb or lazy to read the detailed instructions above: 1. Go to the edge of skybubble 2. Place a tube corner on the floor of skybubble 3. Turn the tube corner so the open ends face the edge of skybubble 4. Go inside the tube corner 5. Go into forge mode 6. Face the edge of skybubble (the part closest to you) 7. Pick up the tube corner 8. Wait 20 seconds 9. Delete the tube corner I am working on a video for the people who cannot understand either of the above methods. I also suggest skipping over most of the comments unless you wish to loose faith in forgehub.
You're aware that the same principles apply, right? As in, can be used in two different maps? On topic: While it is nice to know stuff, I don't really see where this could be used truly effectively when there are simpler methods.
You are aware that there are no Guardian Towers on Foundry, right? Or even mines? But it looks like you're talking about something different entirely, thread starter, so please explain what you mean in greater detail.
You sir are an idiot. The OP is explaining about a method of getting out of certain areas in maps. He gives an example of how it is applied in sandbox. I stated that it can be used on foundry as well. And by your original hostile comment, I assume that either you took my comment the wrong way or you're just a douche because the Jean-Luc Picard facepalm was completely unnecessary as much as it was uncalled for.
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I make this thread a way to get out of INVISIBLE walls on maps in about TEN SECONDS. Now in return I get people flaming each other (although the topic bumping is helpful) because no one will admit they have no clue what I said to do in the first post. This works on many maps as far as I know; I just asked for CONFIRMATION THAT IT DOES. I assumed people here can read a paragraph explanation but I will also add it in steps for the impaired among us. 1. Go to the edge of skybubble 2. Place a tube corner on the floor of skybubble 3. Turn the tube corner so the open ends face the edge of skybubble 4. Go inside the tube corner 5. Go into forge mode 6. Face the edge of skybubble (the part closest to you) 7. Pick up the tube corner 8. Wait 20 seconds 9. Delete the tube corner Note that I had to remove all the parts that make it more useful but it seems making things idiot-proof is important at forgehub. This only works on invisible barriers which I do not remember existing on Foundry. If any of the high and mighty people here like the exalted creator of Asset can find a faster way that one person can do alone to get out of skybubble, you have my deepest apology for wasting your time reading the thread (which I strongly doubt most of you did). I will try to make a video to show how this works tonight but I need someone with Bungie pro to put it on their fileshare (I do not think videos from non-bungie pro are viewable on
Go play Forger`s Cell dude. The first challenge has you going through an invisible barrier using a door.