Hey, I'm ExoticallyPure. Finally joined this site and hope to make a look of new friends/post some maps. I enjoy long walks on beaches and spending days inside of my house posting on the internet because I'm 100% sure people care what I think. I also enjoy bands like "The Fray" and think Lady Gaga is somehow related to The Illuminati. Oh, and I am angry that George Bush didn't stop reading and jump into a fighter jet to shoot down the airplanes on 9/11. Glad to be here.
Hey man. If you post a map make sure to embed your pics properly. Be cool, don't spam, and you will find yourself at home around here. P.S. Insane54 is a cool cat. Probly the most helpful guy on FH. so ask him if you need knowledge on anything, from headsets to forum rules.
I am intrigued by your opinions on Bush and 9/11. Also, they seem like they'd fit right in at our debate forum. If you would post threads for those ideas, I would get many lulz. Until they got locked for being trollbait. But until then you know. Also you might get infracted for trollbait. Do it anyway, it would be worth it.