I am making these for a SOTW and I need peoples opinion on which version is the best. Just type in the number and a little CnC on the piece. V1: V2: V3: V4: Thank you for your opinion and time.
V3, but you should make a V5 where only the text and the person are coloured, leave the rest black and white.
No, I say definitely leave it colored. Versions 1 and 3 are the best. The text needs some work, though.
I use photoshop, but I tried doing it with just a simple photobucket editor just to get the task done, and it doesnt look that great. It makes the focal not blend well at all, but thanks for the suggestion because I learned something new! Ok, I will work on text later today. I have until next week for entry so and CnC is good!
IMO, the text seems a little too light. I can barely see it. But, despite the little problem, I really like V3. I dont know if its the multi-colored-ness of it or the little star-ish sparkle thingies, but that one really sticks out to me. Great job
Yeah, just like everyone else says, V3 is the best.... I just don't think black and white sigs look good to me