Here are my most recent screenshots and oddly enough they all have a lot of blue in them. Torn The prodigy Snowflake I kinda have mixed feelings about that one so let me know whether you like it or don't Let me know which of these two you think is better. I just can't decide. To die 1 To die 2 Also I'm looking for screenshot partner(s) cause a have very few friends who are interested in screenshots and most of those few are rarely on, so send me a friend request if you're interested
All look amazing, man. Torn - Only improvement needed IMO is to make the Spartan and Elite closer to the borderline. The Prodigy - Where was this taken? It looks very good. Snowflake - I'm not much of a screenshot taker, so I am going to have to ask this: how did you do this? A little more clarity on the Spartan would make it look better. To die - Second pic is better IMO. A very original shot indeed. I like how he looks to be slowly dying underwater in a freezing cold lake.
All of the shots are beautiful, especially snowflake. I have to admit, all of these are rather awesome. I'd love to know the effect on Prodigy as well.
wow amazing. You are excellent at taking screenshots. I have to say that they are all really good. Good work.
Torn: BEST OF THEM ALL. The Prodigy: Meh, it's OK, but I've seen so many Special effect Turret pics. Snowy Flakes: What? To Die: I like the first one better as my second fav.
the shots are all good, the only thing to improve about snowflake is change the spartan to an elite, because spartans looks bad with energy swords. The "to die" shots remind me of "trapped under ice" (a song) by metallica
IMO, the first "to die" is best because the black color in it makes it seem like he's deeper underwater, it's darker, like he's hit the ocean floor... Which you're f*cked if you do.