IDEAS FOR VEHICLES Hey everyone, Darkling here and I need some ideas for forge. See I think of myself as a pretty good forger but I often find myself out of ideas. Post your ideas for vehicles which are forge-able and I will make them if I like the idea. If the map turns out well, it will be posted in the aesthetics section and the person with the idea will be given credit and will have there name in the description of the map. If you want to see what I can do in forge then look at my map 'AOD Command' in my signature. Details .I would like it if the vehicle is large in size but if your idea is real good then i can still make it . I can make a drop pod for the vehicle also if you want =) . Feel free to be very specific about your vehicle and describe the interior Thats it, don't feel embarrassed to post any ideas you may think are dumb and have a happy holidays!
Do you want people to request maps from you, or are you asking for ideas to practice forging on? If the latter, try making a couple of Elephants. Maybe along a road, one crashed into a wall to the right or something. Or maybe a covie cruiser in the sky bubble.
I want people to tell me what they think would be a cool vehicle which i then make in foundry or sandbox Haha, nice could.......but........its round.........i could try...........if theres no better idea and i have alot of spare time......i mean.......ALOT of spare time! but seriously, to really test your skills you should make a detailed wraith in Sandbox. Not necessarily to same size but same ratio.
Something simple. Like a golf cart. Not like, warthog sized, but big enough so that it has enough detail, but doesn't take up all your items. Sandbox will do fine, considering it has golf items.
You could try making a crashed space ship into the floor of Sandbox. Try and use basic shapes, and manipulate the basic Forge objects well. If you can keep it simple, and not use a silly amount of objects, i could imagine something looking sick. You could gather some inspiration from the Halo 2 map Burial Mounds, of which about 80% is debris from a crashed space ship.
im stealing tHAT IDEA thx srry bought that and srry bout cap loks and about the death star you could get a bunch of people with splazers shooting at a centered sheild wall, and a spartan floating on nothing (place an object up there, have him stand on it, then delete it) and have a bunch of spartans fire lasers at the sheild, then the spartan floating fires his, like the death star is firing
These are both from Gears of War 2 and I think it would be pretty sweet to create it and make the details as close as possible. There are people standing next to/in the vehicles to help the proportions.
Remember, a spartan is slightly bigger then a person. If you do it in the area above sandbox and build a floor around it, you can do a drop pod as one of those digging things.
Thx for all the ideas everyone, I think making the gears of war 2 vehicles would be awesome and i never would of thought of it! any ideas on how to make wheels?
I always thought it would be cool to make the Elephants on Sandbox look like Assault Derricks from Gears Of War 2 (Big vehicle from that guy's picture) and recreate the scene from Rolling Thunder where you're attacked by a hijacked Derrick. YouTube- Gears Of War 2 - Rolling Thunder [3/5] - Mission 2 The scene I'm talking about is from 2:00-4:30.
Yeah, but the Assault Derrick has only one level instead of two, and a machinegun above the driver's cabin. A recreation of that scene I mentioned with a Gears Of War-themed gametype would be AWESOME. =D ...Although I tried myself and failed miserably. =/ The gametype could be VIP, and the VIP would start with a Magnum, not be able to pick up guns, but be the only one who can drive vehicles. Each team would have to defend their Assault Derrick driver.
Hey, make the A-22 Sparrowhawk, heres the link to the photo just for reference.
Just so you know, this thread is more than 6 years old. The user who posted it hasn't been active since 2010.