Headlong Remake (Bungalo)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Sir Toppum Hat, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Bungalo (subject to change; suggestions welcome)

    Creators (more than one):

    Sir Toppum Hat1
    tHc WaFFleZ

    Map Size:
    Very Very Large


    The title may say Headlong remake however it is not. It is Headlong re-imagined. The layout and buildings reflects that of the original Headlong. However, they have been changed.
    The whole idea of the map is that headlong became complete. However, as the years went by it became less and less used. Soon the land started to reclaim what was taken from it.

    The construction building (red base) and the shotgun building (blue base) face each other. In between will be the bridge. However, it will be destroyed and look as though it fell down. On ether side of the bases are the other buildings. On the left side of the map is the office building and the 7th column base (blue sniper building). On the right side of the map is the Lift base (red sniper building) and the end bridge.


    Construction Building (Red Base)
    and Lift base (red sniper building)

    Back of Red Base


    Blue Base (in construction) and 7th Column base (blue sniper building)

    Office Building


    Bottom Of 7th Column Base (blue sniper building)

    #1 The Sir Toppum Hat, Dec 28, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2009
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sir Top Hat, Your Amazing. Just unbelieveable. A New and Improved Remake of Headlong. OMG It looks insane. Do you still have a budget? The Limit Must be close too. Beautiful Remake. Bravo, Bravo Bravo! Tip of the Hat to Sir Toppum Hat!
  3. physcopirahna6

    physcopirahna6 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow that looks amazing thought i would never see a halo 3 headlong but you sir have proved me wrong well congrats to you hope the rest of it goes well
  4. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    It looks great so far and I hope you pull it off but you will most likely end up running out of budget or items sooner or later.
  5. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ITs genius and I just realized that with advances in forge technoligy aka ghost merging its finally time to do it. To make a real sucsessfull headlong remake. Send me a message when you test my GT is Mr Ipod Touch I can't miss this
  6. Phenomenal

    Phenomenal Ancient
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    Man, those buildings look incredible. Obviously budget is probably low but I'm really hoping this can be completed. I would LOVE to test this out if it works out for you. Really nice work!
  7. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    We thank you. tHc WaFFleZ, Stoyben, and I have been working very hard. Yes the idem limit is very very close. However, we are working on it and we will be able to finish the map. It's just going to be hard.
  8. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    You guys are doing a great job, and I wanted to make a remake of Headlong for I don't know how long. It was my favorite map. If you guys ever need any help, I'd be glad to lend a hand. I love how this is turning out, and I hope you can make it more original without the limit running you down. This is going to be a jewel, I can tell.
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I laughed as I clicked the thread, since its quite clear that any remake thus far has been pathetically laughable, but this surprised me. Cant wait till its done. Even if its not quite the same, it'll be fun for sure.
  10. ultsf

    ultsf Ancient
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    I too hope that you can pull it off. Headlong was an awesome map.
  11. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Ya me too. My xbox recently broke. I received the E74 error, so I won't be able to forge for 3 weeks or more. It's all up to tHc WaFFleZ and Stoyben to work on the map, and possibly finish it. We probably won't post it till I get back, online that is. So, tHc WaFFlez and Stoyben have quite a long time to figure out the idem limit problem. We have been able to communicate and work on it through skype. So while WaFFlez and Stoyben are working I can watch and "supervise" the whole thing. Overall, it's coming along well. It seems like we will have to simplify some of the map, and blue base is going to be shrunk. If we have to, it may become a one sided objective map. Instead of two sided. No matter what happens. It is going to be the coolest and best headlong map ever.
  12. Meteor

    Meteor Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is looking absolutely amazing, I'm genuinly impressed. Please make sure to try and find a way to include the Gauss hog/Banshee! :)

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