i was watching the tutuarial for the ghost merging,and it said you have to be the host,so i read the post about it,and it said nothing like that i dont have XBL and ive got such great ideas for forge wich requires ghost merging,so can anyone tell do have to be the host or not?
yes you do have to be host, and whilst your forging offline, you are technically "host". The host thing is only for when people are forging in groups. You can still ghost merge on/offline on your own or with friends. The only thing you should watch out for is Ghost merging with two people in a local game, I'm not sure if that would work, so just make sure you forge on your own.
If you're in a game with people and you're not sure if you're host or not, go into monitor mode and look down. Then press up on the d pad over and over again. If you find yourself looking forward instead of down like you were before then you are NOT host. If you continue looking down you are host.
thats strange.... when i was forging with diabolical he told me to make him host to ghost merge.i made him host but actually (me not being a host) i ghost merged a box in the floor so i dont really understand why people say you need to be host.