Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details This map is called Flying Fortress. It's design for Team Slayer, Team Doubles and FFA. However, I'm currently working on a CTF version. The idea came from seeing other maps similar in idea, a flying castle. So I started to create and put my own twist to it. The map consists of a Flying base with multiple levels and large ground structures on either side. Flying Fortress: The Fortress doesn't actually touch the ground, but it is accessible by the rock structures located close to it. The rooms located in the rock base are opposite and adjacent from each other. They are used as defensive structures and are connected by stairs to there own teleporter rooms. All teleporters on the map are two-way. The lower teleporter rooms connect with the inside rooms of the Fortress on the main level. The rock base rooms are designed with large windows and slitted walls for defense in multiple directions.
Hello. Welcome to Forgehub. The person below me is about to explain what you need to do to make this up to Forgehub standards. Until then, my good sir.
Yes, I will explain. And welcome again to ForgeHub. Ill explain like Meltyourtv didnt and pointlessly posted spam. You need one pic of the map, its the rules mate. I use PhotoBucket.com for good pics. Also, we dont need anyone else talking about no pics, it counts as spam. I will test out the map and report back later.
You see, when 7 members are viewing the thread at a time, usually about 3 of them make a post on how they need to embed pics, usually 2 seconds after I post, and when I make an attempt to help the person, 3 posts get stacked up above mine saying "embed ur pix dood".
Sorry Guys, the stupid site put me into a login loop. Ya know, hit back then refresh, then nothing.... In my frustration I hit the submit, instead of the preview. I'm hoping someone can tell me how to get rid of this post and leave the other. I know its a double post, sorry. The actual post is the other one.