i checked out a map called power core,im diging that map,when i saw the circules i was amazed, all of a sudden ideas of what i could do with that just ran in my head,so can anyone help me with this!?
First of all welcome to forgehub. You posted this in the wrong section if you ask a mod im sure they would move it for you. I'm not that sure what you are talking about but if you gave a little bit better description I might be able to help you.
First thing first;this is in the wrong section, and belongs in the forge discussion forum. It's alright, just remember for a next time. A moderator will move this there for you in the near future. And I can easily answer your question, guessing your used to forge and it's objects. To make the circles like in the Asset map Power Core you need to interlock 4 arches together like a square shape. The result is the circle shape in the middle, and that's what you want. -_- |_| <--- example. Note the 2 little lines floating above are not part or the diagram, just space fillers. But each line of the square is an arch, and if you can imagne them all together and neat, you'll get your desired results.
I think he's wondering how they made the circles on that map? Just look at the arches on sandbox. If you arrange them so there is one on the ground with the curved part facing up, then you interlock two more arches on the long end of the first arch. Then you interlock an arch into the top of the two so the curve is facing towards the ground. If this guide isn't clear enough, just try it yourself. It's not that hard to figure out.
Yes welcome to forgehub, yada yada yada... You posted this in the wrong section. I think I know what you are talking about though. Are you talking about Asset: Power Core? Because, if you are, you have to interlock four arches to get the circle. When you put them together, it creates the circle on the inside, but it is a square shape with a hole in it.