Well, this is a first, I never seen anyone racist Australians before... All the same, racism is always bad. It seems even worst when they put that on their front page...
Racism is fun! Besides, I don't think they're serious racists, considering that they don't know how to spell 'Crikey!'
No, the leader actually believes what he wrote. I was in chat with him and thats actually how he types....
Lol, that made me feel all funny inside. What a dumbass. How can you make fun of Australians? Too easy.
They're also racist against spelling. I think my friend said they saw a a page about a racist clan and it was more drastic than that.
thats a bit of a generalisation, i mean how would they know this if they've never been to Australia or met an Aussie? it's harsh man.
Has anyone here ever watched "Flight of the Conchords"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs_rXxi0zhM I must say they horribly butchered the English language there. And their highest ranking member is a level 44...not great for their best member. Thats just sad really....but at least we can take comfort in knowing that they are the minority.
i no i shouldn't really be annoyed but that just really ticks me off! i mean racist against Australians becuase they have had a bad experience i hope those ........... who think that they are sooooo good get owned by an aussie clan.....i might even challange them ps im Aussie
WTF do they have against us Aussies. we rule. I've never heard anyone crikey. I mean never from online aussies to randoms on the street. These guys obviously don't proof read what they've written. Having bad grammer on the internet can make you look like a retard. Not by abreviating, like WTF, BTW, LOL etc. but by completely mis-spelling words by sveral letters. I dont really hate any one online except for retards like these
Nobody says crikey. Nobody. The Irwins say that and it's fine, but that word is NOT what should be seen as an Aussie stereotype.
Why would someone be a "racist" against Australians? That's dumb. Oh well I've come to the conclusion that the internet is just for jerks now anyway.
Lol, "they smell" WTF? No! How's that a reason to hate us even if we did? "and they say crikey alot" WWWTTTTTTTTFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!1! Nobody, NOBODY, has ever said crikey in the history of australia!!! Well, except Steve Irwin, but he was just a douche. Those racist c***s can go die.