OMFG GUYS!!! GTA 4's online play is going be a choice of ranked/unranked! DID U SEE THAT!? RANKED! The host can also select how many pedestrians, traffic, map and weapons. AND FREE ROAM!!! Read below! Hangmans NOOSE Car Jack City Bomb da Base Bomb da Base II Mafia Work Team Mafia Work Deathmatch Team Deathmatch Turf War Cops N Crooks Race GTA Race Deal Breaker Free Roam In Race and GTA Race modes, the host decides which vehicles are involved as well as the number of laps to be played. The race itself involves shooting and throwing molotov cocktails from the window. It's even possible to steal opponents' cars. Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch on the other hand has the host choosing how many pedestrians will be in the game, the amount of traffic, whether police intervention will be available or not, and the type of weapons that can be picked up. Cops n Crooks has one team playing as cops while the other takes the role of the criminals. The cops must stop the criminals from escaping and can monitor the locations of the criminals on their GPS systems. The criminals, on the other hand, have no clue where the cops are, making it a pretty exciting match for them. In Mafia Work and Team Mafia Work, players are given various orders from Kenny Petrovic to take out certain individuals. The players have to accomplish this before others beat them to it. Finally, we have Hangman's Noose, a co-op game where you and your teammates have to escort a mobster, while being pursused by a SWAT team. This sounds similar to assassination on FPS games. Turf War, Bomb da Base, Car Jack City, Deal Breaker and Free Roam haven't been officially explained but they sound pretty self explanatory. Turf War sounds like king of the hill. Bomb da Base sounds like a search and destroy (thinking in call of duty 4 terms) where one team needs to plant a bomb at the other team's base while that team tries to hold them off. Car Jack City is a little more up in the air but it could possibly be teams or players competing in stealing certain cars or something. Deal Breaker I have no idea. Free roam is just that, free roaming. We still have no clue to what extend you'll be able to 'free roam' though. -