Okay, I recently got some extra money as a christmas present and I would like to change my xbox gamertag to something funny , but I have no idea what to change it to and I could use some help. I kind of like the names of some of my friends such as A Toxic Hobo... If you come up with an idea please post it for me. Thank You and Merry Christmas! :happy:
'a lota black people' "You were killed by a lota black people" ahh but seriously how about: XBL ruined my life
Those are all only good on Halo 3. You guys need to move on to other games. Mystic Sonata Sounds a bit cheesy but what the hell.
How about "A guy with a shovel"? Then it'd say: "You were killed by a guy with a shovel" And you also wouldn't have to worry about it getting reported.