Our latest puzzle, its Brilliant and fun to play. This was a time consuming project, took me about a month to perfect this incredible map. This may be a little similar to other ideas, I can ensure you every challenge is remixed or new. Hopefully this puzzle will have a spot on your hard drive. It is mainley a puzzle with traps around every corner that you must be very careful with approaching, you must find your way out to the oddball. This map was made by me and my buddy SM423. And we hope you enjoy it! Now it's time for the wonderful pictures! Awwwe, look how nice it is I love this room This is a challenge! Is that it? Download Links ~ Map - The Strike Gametype (Required) - Air born That About sums everything up! We hope you enjoy the map as much as we did making it! Have fun with it and leave any comments you'd like, negative responses or positive! We just love the feed back. This has been a message from your pilot Mr ChalkBoard, please buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride
I seriously learned almost nothing from those pictures. Is this seriously it? I was hoping it would be longer. (That's what she said! ) I will admit it is nicely forged and the room with the curved ceiling is pretty cool.
I don't think he wanted to reveal anything. The pictures proved to you that he could forge. You can see he used some advanced forge techniques and presents a teaser to entice you to download his map. It's a puzzle map, he can't reveal much. Like Lemons though, I was hoping for some more screenshots to explain some parts but not in detail.
Can a moderator please lock this thread... this is a map that i have been working on, and is definitely not this guy's map. I have proof and lots of witnesses, this map isn't even finished yet. I have only showed it to about 4 people, and i'm pretty sure I know who has done this and honestly it disgusts me. I definitely did not expect this of them. Anyway, I can prove this is mine, but can somebody please lock this thread.
Can a moderator please lock this thread... this is a map that i have been working on, and is definitely not this guy's map. I have proof and lots of witnesses, this map isn't even finished yet. I have only showed it to about 4 people, and i'm pretty sure I know who has done this and honestly it disgusts me. I definitely did not expect this of them. Anyway, I can prove this is mine, but can somebody please lock this thread.
To the author of this thread, I have been given proof that you have stolen this map. If you have anything to say in your defence please message me otherwise you will be infracted for plagiarism. You have roughly 24 hours to message me.