Hey FH... it's been good, I enjoyed my stay, and now I'm moving on. I'm 16 and there's better things to be doing than chatting about games... and I'd really encourage some of you to go on also.. Those of you (you know who you are) who have actually been disabled by this site. Yea, this is addiction, just like Facebook, just like any other kind of forum... I'm just stating the truth. You'd honestly be better off meeting a good group of friends... whether you consider them "fake", ignorant.. or whatever. You might as well see what they're like because chances are.. there's more hope with normal, average kids you see around. No, that doesn't mean you should go do things you really don't want to do... like drinking or smoking or whatever.. but you should certainly step outside your box. You might have been hearing this from everyone in your life.. but that's what it was like for me. If I can manage to look at things in a new light, I'm pretty sure you can too. Anyone can do it, and this fake... imaginary life you have .. not just here.. but anywhere!.. this fake thing should be taken away. You really should just go on... and if you disagree, well you were just like me (hey, that rhymed).. okay, so I've just been writing on and on with random things going through my head.. that's kinda how i do things.. sorta. You've really gotta realize what's outside this box.. start things up somehow. If you're moving to a new place, starting at a new school, going to college, or ANYTHING. Just TRY to change for the better. I really hope someone can find encouragement through this. Good luck, enjoy the little things in life, and just have fun. P.S. I'll be removing all friends off my xbox account, and I'm really starting over. I've got good friends, a girlfriend, and an awesome environment that I've really only begun to step into. Hell, maybe I'll even see one of you later in life.. that'd really be cool. Bye-bye.
I don't know how you managed this. It sounds like you are blaming all your problems and deficiencies on the xbox and computer. I still play games and I have good friends and I'm not depressed, my grades are pretty good and I am in good shape. Also...stop...doing...this..ffs....
xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe You can be perfectly capable of using the internet daily and still having a life outside of it. If you have to remove all your XBL friends and quit websites, its a deeper problem than a simple liking of a game.
I blame all my problems on others. This way, everyone thinks I'm doing everything right, and they're doing everything wrong.
May I remind you of these threads? Eric, if you're going to leave then leave. I'm not trying to be mean but like last time you're not going to get any sympathy/affection so do us all a favour and make your mind up. If you do leave then I hope all goes well, best wishes.
You sound like the first person to realize that there something else besides FH and Xbox, and your tying to tell others about your amazing discovery. Everything spends there time differently and do as they wish. Btw my girlfriend, Amber, could care less if im talking with 'good friend' online or even playing video games 24/7 or being on the computer. So i hope thats not the real reason lol. Anyway, Best Wishes.
LMFAO This made my ****ing day! ;] 1. Duh real friends are more important than virtual ones. 2. Considering video games or forum surfing a life is sad it should be a time killer at most. 3.Geez i hope I don't see you in the future lol ;] 4. You shouldn't have to announce any of this to the internet it should be common knowledge to not be addicted to something thats considered entertainment.(Thank you captain obvious for saving the day!) lol
You sir, are an idiot. I have a life and friends, and I just happen to have time to visit this site also! :O How can that be possible?
QFT... I'm really happy and all that you found something else to do with your time but I'm sure you'll be back to greet us again. I wish you luck in life and feel free to visit us here if your ever feeling lonely.
Before you post a thread like this in the future (because we all know you will come crawling back eventually,) ask yourself this: Will anybody give a ****? In your case, the answer is 'no.'
My dear ER1C0, Thank you once again for saving me from a life outside these walls. For a moment there (scary thought), I almost opted to leave these forums in favor of a fuller life, similar to the one you mentioned. I mean, I really considered it, and then I came across your thread. I do say, it was quite enlightening sir, for it showed me that idiots and moronic people such as yourself exist in the real world, and whereas on Facebook or any other social networking site I can simply block you, "out there" bears no sanctuary. Now, upon arriving at this conclusion, my certainty slowly melted into considerable rage; that is, after I overcame the "elliptical seizure" you gave me... You threatened my dignity sir!- and if these were more feudal times, and you a more honorable man, I would challenge thee to a duel. But I digress. No, I find little reason to define and refute the inadequacies in your ellipse-ridden rambling, for everyone but you can see it for themselves, and you're just a lost cause. Besides, I doubt you'll be coming back, given the sheer amount of commitment you've displayed in the past. So bon voyage!- and thank you for giving me something to do this Sunday morning.