i spent alot of time test playing this making sure that it was well balanced and i tried my very hardest to make it feel like a junk yard, meaning a little confusing at times, broken items such as a flipped hog,nonmoveable wraith, and my favorite... a broken teleporter. like all maps it isn't as much fun until you learn where everything is, so i sugguest mayby finding the power weapons to help you enjoy it. but it really is great and i am very proud of it.it is a slayer and team slayer map, for more info read what i said about it on my discussion thread on bungie. here is the link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=25724565 picture:
your post does not meat the forgehub standards please go HERE to find out how, we're sure your map is good, but properly format your post so we can find out too!
Anubis i understand you want to put all the maps you think are good on but.... You really should have read the big sticky at the top telling how to post your maps. Now you have 4 maps to revamp with pics etc. Also,and i dont mean to flame or anything but you managed to post maps that have already been done. Cat'n'mouse has already been featured on FH and while your versions may be better in some way you get the idea. Junkyards are as old as forge itself and i personelly have yet to see one that works well. Your blackout map from the un-detailed summary you gave us is just filters and extra flares...and im sorry but in a community were the newest maps are around 40%/50% forged content it just doesnt cut it in my opinion. I'm sure your a good forger but it'd really have been nice if you'd looked around before posting your hardrive on day one :S Anyway i'll look at your maps once youv got pics up,who know i could be wrong
yea dude uploadi t onto a site like tiny pic or photobucket and then post the link that says its supposed to be used for forums.