Aliens Aliens: Discription:::::::::::::::::::::::: map is based of the movie aliens, with sigorney weaver and micheal bhein. the map has foor main rooms and two are hallways shapped liek the movies hallways, the map has a spawn point for zombie out of the map to hault spawn camping the teleporters lead to two spots in the map to prevent camping the map is small but fun everyone must fight together to stay alive. Item::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AR:1x (start) BR:1x Shotty:1x Grenade:3x flamethrower:1x pistols:0x (start) Vehicles::::::::::::::::::::::::::: None! PICS:::::::::::::::::::: Z-spawn:::::::::::::::::: Z-Teleporter:::::::::::::: Human Spawn:::::::::::: Control Room::::::::::::: Control Room 30 sec::::: (Door 1 closes) Control Room 60 sec:::: (Door 2 closes) False Roof::::::::::::::: Vent::::::::::::::::::::: Vent Room:::::::::::::: Second Hall::::::::::::: Second Hall Door::::::: Second H Door 120 sec: (door Opens) Vent 2 120 sec::::::::: PICS:::::::::::::::::::: Map::::::::: : Halo 3 File Details Gametype:: : Halo 3 File Details EnJoY tHe MaP++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I did a quick forge through of it to see how it is and it seems to be very well forged. It is hard to understand as I am in forge mode, but I am sure if it was in a regular game it would be much easier to understand and figure out which way to go. I can't think of anything to fix, if I get to playing the game I will try and come back and post a new message or edit this one on the things I would change/keep.
(You know what gets me? Aliens 3 only had one alien) Anyway this map is great reminds me of the splinter cell games more maps should be mad very tight and very tall so on your map aliens are on your radar but could be in 5 different levels of the building that i would say would be very fun. Onto your map now it looks pretty well built, you don't have my download tho infections games have to be played in huge parties which does not really intreset me. also im not sure but it looks like you may get very lost lol you should have arows pointing where to go you know what i mean. Aliens vs Predators would be your next step
Looks nice. You got the vents and everything, long fan of the movies and looks like an accurate enough remake. Looks like good gameplay too. Now if you could come up with a good gametype for aliens that would be cool.
You are aware this scene was from Aliens, and not Alien 3, correct? Out of all the times I've seen this done, this is a very good one. Not much besides that. My own personal one, which deleted itself, had the entire roof as breakable. This made games fast and hectic, which was just the feeling I wanted.
the movie has no coralation to the title i know the scene comes from aliens i only named it Aliens three because its the 3rd one i have made i made my first on foundry and to make the entire roof descrutible would use all the of the teleporters not to mention make the room smaller i pick three specific wholes based on movie reference and the forth was in the floor i would have put that one in but circumstances make that hard to nearly impossible the movie was great i love aliens so please stop tellign me witch movie its from, i know! the title on the topic is called Aliens 3 the title in the topic is Aliens. thanks and enjoy the map.
its i played through the level and it seems really great the forging is nicely done and the entrances for zombies is good too, i like the way you don't know where the zombie is gonna come from. i think this is a great sequal to your first map on foundry
thanks i will keep producing more aliens based maps im thinking abotu building the dropship out in the sand looking like it crashed and you walk to center where structure is
Wow, this map looks great! Even though the map is called Aliens 3, The vent brings back old memories of that cool scene in Aliens. I definitely give this one a DL and try it out. NOTE* I think if you combined Colorblind and Juicy and placed some lights outside of the map against its walls, it would give this map a really creepy atmosphere. Anyway, just a suggestion. Cheers!
not spam >.< okay i would just like to say the i love the map and i think that it has a great flow to it considering, that when you are in any of the rooms there are several ways you need to pay attention to or the alien will get in and kill another player, and i would like to say that you should make another one with it darker and has more then just inside alien complex.
i was considerign to make another rendition of the map with more outdoors but the challenge would be to incorporate the large space without having a camper problem. other then that thankyou for your comments