Friends I speak to you know from the depths of the maternity ward sitting on something that resembles a laziboy recliner except its way more comfortable and leans all the way back so I can lay down horizontally. I feel as if I should be growing ever more tired, but to my astonishment I'm wide awake. I mean considering the circumstances of today and that I'm completely out of my normal sleep schedule. On the morning of Christmas Eve I awoke to my phone ringing my ever-so familiar ringtone by Linkin Park. I grabbed my phone and saw it was my fiancee calling and quickly ignored the call and shut my phone off. I hate when people wake me up when I just want to sleep in on my day off. I drifted into a limbo between being asleep and being awake. What if this was the phone call I was waiting for? What if my fiancee was delivering the baby when I was sleeping? I would feel really horrible if I missed my first baby's birth. My door creaks open and a familiar voice echos through my room. "Derick, wake up" My father takes his pointer finger and rubs it on my calf. Unlike poking my leg which I could totally take, rubbing his extended finger on me was like scratching a chalk board. "Call Mellisa" he said. I reach into my display pillow and pull out my phone and turn it on. It turns out during her doctor visit for her 38 week of pregnancy the doctor recommended she go to the hospital, because she had abnormally high blood pressure this week. Flash forward and an hour later I had taken a shower and readied my laptop bag with a change of cloths, videocamera, and had my GPS in my hand I disembarked to the Hospital. I arrived at the hospital at 11:30 and everything felt like a blur after that. They had to draw blood and take some urine to run tests on, because of her high blood pressure. They believed she had the possibility of having pre-clamshia which eventually turns into some sort of seizure. Later in the day we had a visit from her doctor which told us that her cervix was unfavorable and that they could not induce her, because of this. Both of us kept our families informed on everything that was going on. Since Melissa hadn't eaten anything at all and it was now 3:30 in the afternoon her mother was sending food to the hospital via my father. I was relieved, because her mom makes the best pepperoni bread every Christmas and she was sending some over to the hospital! As time passed I became more anxious and hungry. My stomach gurgled, but it wasn't because I was hungry. I ran to the bathroom and used it. As I was drying my hands I heard a familiar voice followed by a not so familir voice. The first person was my father and the other.... My eyebrows bent, my blood began to boil and a frown settled over my face. My father had brought his girlfriend which was not OK! You see for nine long months my parents have been going through a divorce and for nine long months my father has been trying to get me to meet his girlfriend. If that doesn't make things worse he feels since he is finally happy he can be as pushy as he wants. Nine months he's been trying to push her onto to me. I'm a stubborn ****ing Italian, the more he pushes the more I'm not going to accept her. So today he decided to bring her to the hospital without even warning me. I opened the bathroom door looked at his girlfriend and left for the waiting room. Not because I had to go, because their was three of us, but rather so I didn't explode in front of my fiancee and get her upset. I made a cappicino from the awesome coffee machine and i'm not one for coffee so I poured it down the sinks drain. I then got me some hot chocolate, which was very tasty and sat down on the computer and blew off some steam. Sometime thereafter I stopped by the maternity ward front desk and told them how I felt. Long story short she's not allowed to come in the room when Melissa delivers. I want to kill my father, because he knows how I feel about his girlfriend and yet he doesn't respect my feelings and brings her to the hospital without even telling me. Fast forward again it's now past midnight they have this thing collecting her pee and they put something in her cervix to prepare her for labor that was put in around 12 hours ago. I should be tired right now, because I didn't get much sleep, but strangely enough I'm wide awake. Melissa's having contractions and is starting labor and only needs four more centimeter to be dilated enough. While I write this, she is in a lot of pain and is constantly adjusting her bed and checking the time on her phone. It's now 6 AM. I will update this thread with some pictures and possibly video stuff if we can be mature about this. So help me if I see a retarded post saying something about when my daughters 16 or 18 cause I will murder you. ***Update*** She's 9 CM dilated and about a half hour away from giving birth! ***Update*** 12:58 PM Nurse just came in and said they're going to turn her and then she may be able to start pushing. ***Update*** 12/30/09 Baby was born on 12/25/09 4:14 PM
Yay, hope you make a good father. Remember, discipline is acceptable as long as it is an open hand and not a fist.
Big congrats man, I know that this has been a long time coming, but it always seems to sneak up on you, huh? Though, I'd imagine this will be quite the Christmas gift.
I blame this for a lack of sleep as I was up all night and on a side note I'm not sure if I love you or hate you.
I'm proud of your resolve man, you shouldn't let anyone force anything onto you. Have you decided on names yet?
Why thank you. We've decided on the name Alexa Marie. Marie standing for both of my grandmas and Melissa's grandma as well.
yeah ur daughter is a cool guy she likes shotning at aliens and blowin up stuff and doesnt a fraid of anything. Anyways, congrats man. So, whens the wedding?
Picky doctor calling a cervix unfavourable. I bet he doesn't get much. Congratulations man, train her early, she could be your little thief or something crazy.
Babys been born for almost five hours now. She's healthy and we want to take her home right now, but we have to wait for Sunday. I'll probably get a pic or two up tomorrow. Thanks guys.
Finally got a picture of her uploaded! Hospital internet is really slow, but free. Here it is. she has a ton of hair just like her dad
Hey thats great TZ, congratulations. Happy to hear everythings fine and the mother and dauhter are healthy. You got a name for her yet?