civilization revolution king difficulty; culture victory; 1890 A.D. i had me some dudes with the rifles, and they all sat in my super base, pwnin all the enemies. oh yeah, and i was the nazis, just cause i could be
mw2, domination on rust(endless) I went 384 and 325... I also nuked it, and ended the "endless" game(everyone yelled at me, but a 2 hour game is long enough) my freakin match bonus was 38,000! I jizzed...
Dragon Age Origins Completed the The Stone Prisoner DLC. My main character (Rogue Level 8) and my Warrior Level 7 each died once but still managed to get through the part, revive them, and use injury packs with my Mage Level 8 and NPC Rogue Level 8. Lost to the boss once and then beat it the second time around, got a new character (don't want to go too far into detail to avoid spoilers).
29-6 in Rumble Pit Oddball on Blackout Brother was bugging me the entire game and I choked on a killtrocity...