Wow, way for 75% of the second page be spam, Recon Speller, I know your banned so you won't read this, but A: Other then the fact that there are two structures that vaguely resemble epivolc, you didn't realize the rest of it is completely different? B: No, no no. No. Whomever said they don't want Scobra, thanks for defending the map while I was away.
I hope you know people can view the entire map as of now, I just went on a tour a map . And no, no one showed it to me, I've never played a match on the new version or forged it. I just viewed it. That said from the pictures to my personal tour it looks fantastic, love the unique object uses to create the awesome aesthetics. Nice job, once again. Hope to see this soon (without the effects, if you know how I got a sneak-peek).
UPDATE Alright, so the original teaser idea of mine kind of failed. (My fault, I stand by the idea, just lacked the time to make it work) So, on with a more traditional map preview. Expect a release soon. If you liked epivolc, prepare for a even more epic one flag game on epitel. And for you Asset lovers, Rifte Gifle has kindly prepared an Asset ready version of Epitel. (hopefully to be released alongside of the main version) Thanks for your support with epivolc, and I hope you download this map when it's released.
I vaguely recall testing this about a month ago, so I guess it wasn't a teaser for me. But the map is still absolutely amazing, every bit of it. I can't wait for its release, this is one of the few large maps that should remain on my hard drive for a very long time. The ingenious man-cannon, the detail inside the defender base, and everything else make this map a personal favorite. PLEASE RELEASE NAO.
Whoa, this looks like more epic win than epivolc. It looks damn amazing. I'm glad you got Rifte to make an Asset Version, that'll be interesting RELEASE DATE: NAO. PLZZZZ!!!