A remake of the Firefight and Campaign map Crater. Recommended for teams of 3-5. NOW FOR THE PICTURES Offense Spawn Offense Weapons Offense Power-ups Offense Teleporter 1 Offense Teleporter 2 Offense Teleporter 3 Defense Area Defense Spawn Staircases And Side Overlook Offense Area Sniper Spawn Rocket Spawn Overview 1 Overview 2 Map Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Download: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
wow, this looks really accurate. There is one part where people will probably be able to break the map though. Other than that great job, maybe you should try to make a holdout asset style map for this. Still great job my freind i'll dl and run some games today.
Nice remake you have there. I see a few things you could've went in to more detail over, but that's okay. It actually looks pretty accurate. One thing I suggest you do is make the weapons and custom powerups spawn at different times, like make the custom powerup and hammer spawn later. You might also consider separating a few of the classes. Otherwise nice job.
if you have any money left, i would suggest putting walls or something between the power-ups. this would help to ensure that nobody accidentally picks up more then one