Heys, i was think about making a map that would play every gametype at-least somewhat fun. But its been getting really hard to think of all the parts of a map that would play one-flag but still would still work with a game of infections... any ideas? A bad example -U-shaped maps, they work good with flag. bomb, and sometime slayer GT but don't ussally work with infection, king of the hill, odd ball I could really use some help with parts of a map that work with a variety of GT thanks-
to difficult I'm sorry. Infection map variants are alway specifically setup to provide blockages and advantages for the humans, which means that during a slayer game one side will have all the advantages.
It could be possible to make it work well, buuuuut I think someone who understands map design very well should do it.
Any map that is going to play all game-types is going to have to use the symmetric/asymmetric game style effectively. all I could think is in that U design make it so that the infrection can make the U turn into a O by making them spawn ontop of the centerpiece possiblely or have a teleprompter box that only spawns when the infected are ... STOP PRESS... can you block spawn points with objective plots? Place Flag capture plots over the Spawn points in one flag so they can't spawn in that game type. My god you could use this in any forge map....
This is exactly what I was going to say. Personally I've never tried this and haven't played about with the symetry options very much so I'm not sure as to the whole extent of what you can do with them but I'm sure a few of our more experienced members can tell you and help you out.
See generally you could but infection as well one flag are both Asymmetric. So again how would you setup a game type for both of these game-types. That is the trouble of the OP. We are trying to solve his issue.
Ah, I forgot that... But couldn't you just have the Infected and the team trying to take the flag spawn at the same base, since they'd both be attackers?