First, Thank you really for supporting =) I will definately consider what you're commenting guys. Yesterday my friend came over and we played all day and night some Rocket Race ;P (we got at least 60 ep) xD Today I will HOPEFULLY get my hands on ODST. Therefor the work on this map goes on in..maybe 3 days or 2 =) You know how it works xD ODST comes out and you will play it all day and night the first 2 days. Will update after I went on with the map and got some NEW sweet pics, Even now i can tell you: The Sniper spawn (next to shotgun and small sniper tower) has gotten an makeup from me. It definately looks a LOT better now =) Next thing will be the rocket spawn... CYA greetz Phil^^ out
Update ALL right guys. I updated the pictures... Tell me what you think please =) And also what to change if there's something really important
Update Allright, I restarted working on this map, so I'll just push this Thread instead of making a NEW one. As said in the Startpost, PLEASE don't comment like: blablabla don't push bla!!11 Thanks, Phil
Its fine that you bumped the old thread, its not like you bumping it just to say "I'm not working on it any more" after noone had posted for two months It looks like a very good map, even if its not an exact remake it still looks like it'll be fun to play on. How are you going to get the man cannon on the Rocket Platform to work? The Halo 2 grav lift would always (unless you did something stupid) get you up to the Dish. Halo 3 man cannons can fire you in any direction, depending on how you approach them. Maybe you could encase the man cannon in a pipe, make it like an actual cannon so the player can walk in the bottom and the tube will guide them in the right direction.
1. THANKS xD finally a post of someone interested in the map 2. It's not really an total exact remake, but it's really closed when finished. Maybe it looks a little bit smaller and some things are a little bit different, but I walk always around in this map and I have to say it really feels all right. Jeah that ONE Stone there is not there but there and so on. But the geometry itself and the degrees where everything is placed is exact. From the middle you can look around and I built it the same direction. 3. The man cannon thing, that was the FIRST thing I tried in height and so on, so the height is allright, enough "power" from one mancannon to fire you up again. I could just place it in a way, that if you walk in you're fired onto the little ehm thing where usually the BR lays. (guess that's fine) But I thought about a Grav lift that lifts you into the mancannon in the last time or making an grav lift-chein the whole way up. I guess I just have to try different ways. But tubes wouldn't give you the view while flying up and it's also good that the snipers could pick you up while in air ( I LOVED IT xD) _______________ The last time was a bit difficult, the BR Tower is really annoying to built. I downloaded some variants and looked how they did it, but they all made it too short. You walk in and the placed one double block and after that the "stair" is coming, but in H2 this first room is a bit bigger. So I wanted to make it 1 1/2 blocks, but it was difficult to get it with the floor benath then. My solution was that I thought, okey I shall forge just and don't look THAT hard on the exact placement but just the way it feels while walking around the BR Tower and I think I got it right now.
I wouldn't Suggestion Anything. How is this too small? You think Remakes are gonna be the same size. Doesn't really Matter. It Looks like it alot. I would already download. Insane Remake. Nice Job Dude. The Tower is Awesome and I love how you fixed the Shotgun area. I dont even Remake maps anymore. Forgehubbers will fricking complain about something in your map. Too Small Errrrr... But Are you gonna build a Halo 3 Weapon Set?
Stop bumping the thread. We all see it. It looks decent and I love Ascensoin. I hope you used an OLN canvas, other wise you will probably not have enough items to finish.
He's fine, no one else here has a problem with the bump, why do you? And if you bothered reading the comments, he's already stated he's using an OLN canvas.
Sweet I'm glad to see you're interested in finishing this again. I loved ascension in H2, so hopefully you can finish this and I can relive my glory days of old.
You should make a classic weaponset from Halo 2 and a new weaponset using equipment and all that jazz.
OH MY GAWD!!! What the hell is in your freakin brain dude? would you rather have a new thread by me or what? I really don't know whats the problem with bumping it up ONCE that I restarted working on it. I just wanted to discuss with some "interested" people about the map. So please if YOU don't want this thread bumped, just don't post -.-* Yes I used an OLN map and I definitely have enough Space, I just tried to place as many random walls anywhere but I got bored after 40 or something so I have enough... @ MickRaider: definitely you can maybe you want to playtest it, then I could message you or something, but I guess I'm going to Post this when I'm finished and everyone who likes to playtest it with me can say it @ Krazy Kumquat: Look at my Foundation Remake thread, there I did exactly the same. A H2 weaponset map and an H3 weaponset map... And I will do that again EDIT: Jay guys, just coming from FORGE. I worked on the map and it's getting better and better. ALL pics are from the latest version!!