Mah eckzbawkz | D:

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stickmanmeyhem, Dec 24, 2009.

  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Okay well in about a day will be the three year anniversary of my xbox first being plugged in and used. These past few years have been great, but lately I've noticed some stuffs goin on with my baby.
    For about the last week she's been making two loud noises every time I open and close the disc tray. After the second noise, the disc I put in there gets spun around, but not read. At first I just dealt with it and kept opening and closing the tray until it read it, but yesterday I tried for literally an hour straight and she just wouldn't do it. So, assuming it was just a dirty lens, I went out to my dollar store and bought a "Cleaning DVD". (A CD that has brushes on it and some annoying elevator music for the machine to read) The thing is, today after a 3 hour lens cleanin session, she's still having a little trouble readin discs, and still makin those funny noises... Seeing as I've treated her nice these last three years also means I have no warranty... So I hope I don't have to buy a new xbox...

    Anyone have any ideas?
    #1 stickmanmeyhem, Dec 24, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    This happened to me too. You can send it in for repair for about $100. Every time you put a disk in, does a white screen pop up that says you need to put the disk in an Xbox 360 console in about 6-7 languages?
  3. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    If it cost $100 bucks for a repair, I might as well go out and buy an arcade pack... I'll get some arcade games, a new controller, a new hard drive, and a new console all in one for like $50 more.
    Hell... For twice that I could get an elite.

    And no, there's no screen that pops up... It just says "Reading..." for about 30 seconds then just says "Open Tray"

    Thanks anyways.
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    There's unofficial repair places, but obviously, only send them at your own risk.
    A friend of mine saved £110 on a PS3 repair at consoledoctor, but I'm not sure where that's based.
    Anyway, good luck getting him working.
    I'm on my fourth, and the only problems I'm having is long processing speeds.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Listen to American... This is what my baby did... And you heard the snap...
  6. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Actually I have this atm too :p

    Im just sending it in for repair being I just got it back a week ago, so my parents are complaining to them about fixing it for free. But yeah Good luck with your x360, hopefully ill get mine in january (maybe).
  7. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I had this on my last xbox. It wouldn't take any games and refused to work. Seeing as i'm very impatient i went and bought an elite. Sadly my uncle recently bored my old broken xbox and asked his friend to take a look and he fixed it in 5 minutes for free. so now i'm one xbox and a feew £100 down ):
  8. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    Actually, this started to happen to me right after I bought MW2. And it only happened on MW2. As a quick fix, you can just DL the games to your harddrive, and it plays cleanly for me, so it should for you. I warn you, unless you have an unlimited supply of memory, the harddrive fills up very fast when you DL games straight to it.
  9. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    That's not a very good solution though... Halo 3 has issues when you download it to your hard drive and you can't get any games working with this problem. I'm just sending my Xbox in tomorrow. :)
  10. Kidbomber

    Kidbomber Ancient
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    Like Amercan said that a terrible idea..

    Also to this 'Open tray' Problem as iv seen with other reports, have been happening after the playing of a Call of Duty Game. It only happened more with MW2 but also with Waw at times. Im guessing its from how the disc was when shipped or by how much people play the game over and over again for hours upon hours before there x360 **** out.
  11. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Overall it's probably just wear and tear...

    I mean... My xbox is 3 years old, the road turns into a dirt one at the end of the street so the house is always dusty, and I go on it almost every day... Whether that be to play or watch a movie varies, but still...

    Anyways, after leaving the cleaning DVD in for about 17 hours, I've noticed a significant drop in times I've had to open and close the tray. If I keep doing that I should be able to hold out until my birthday in late February and then I'll buy a new elite. Bigger hard drive, 3rd controller, two free games, and I'll give the console me and my brother share to him...

    I hope this info helps you guys... And I'm sure that it has nothing to do with the fact you played MW2.

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