Takeover Designed & Forged by RapKillaHARDISS from FORGING②PERFEKTION™ Main Spawnsystem by iTs NeXn Download Takeover Download the Matchmaking Version Background Story: Before I started designig Takeover I asked alot of people: “whats your favorite map? ” and ”why is that your favorite map?” almost everyone said The Pit or Guardian. They said The Pit because its symmetrical style, the weapon placement and the Snipetowers on it. And they said Guardian because its balanced, the weapon placement and areas and because of the Snipetower.( quite everyone loves Snipetowers...) So I started the first progress of designing, it was like 10 months ago, and I integrated the bugged glitch for designing my map cause the only reasons for not using it was because the map could maybe lag in splitscreen and in forge. But in testing it should proved to be false... As I started designing the map it was clear that I have to make pretty good balanced or a symetrical map and there also need to be Snipetowers on it. I started designing the Mid then Gold and Green, the Carabine areas and at least the Snipetowers and the basses. The way how I designed the map was also the way how I forged it. I started with the Mid then Gold and Green... The map was finished and I asked iTs NeXn to make the spawnsystem for Takeover. And he did. Now the day of the first test games was there and it has proved to be false that the map only lags in splitscreen or in forge it lagged pretty hard in a normal 4v4 Costum. That frustrated my alot, but I started redisgning of the map without bugged glitch on the same day and I started reforging a cople of days later. ChAoZziTy was first planed as my Co-Forger but after he finished Gold he started playing MW2 and I wasn’t able to persuade him for still being my Co-Forger. As I started redesigning it shows that I don’t need to reforge the whole map. I keeped big parts of the Bases and parts of the Snipetowers, Carbine areas, Gold, the Mid and the whole Green, but overall I reforged like 50% of the map. I needed four weeks for the progress of redesigning and and reforging. At least I tested the map and I changed small parts of the design the spawnsystem. Description: Takeover is a symmetrical map made in the Sky Bubble of Sandbox. First it was planed for CTF but in the desingnig progess it has been proved that the map is more usefull for Slayer, KotH and Odball also for the MLG Bomb test version. The map takes influences from Guardian and is inspired of the symetrical nature/style of The Pit. Takeover is totally symmetrical, it has two Bases with Snipetowers, one for each team, it also has a Bottom and a Top Mid, a green and a gold area and the place between the Mid and the Snipetowers called Carbine area. The Bases got two regions the Top and Bottem complex and the Hill area/BR spawn. The Snipetowers are close to the basses and also a part of them, they are pretty much inspired of the Snipetower of Guardian they has S1, S2 and S3 on S3 is Sniper Rifle and plasma nade spawn. On Top Mid is the Mauler and neutral Hill spawn. Bottom Mid is the Oddball spawn. The Green and Gold areas are symmetrical and next to the mid and the Carbine areas there are plasma nade spawns and they also have a lift with which you can fly to the basses. The Carbine areas, of cause there is the Carbine spawn, borders on the Mid, Gold/Green and a Snipetower. Weapon List: 1x Mauler - 120 - Top Mid 2x Sniper RIfle - 180 – Red/Blue S3 2x Carbine - 30 - Red/Blue Carbine area 2x Battle RIfle - 10 - Red/Blue Hill 8x Plasma Grenades - 30 - Red/Blue S3, Gold & Green Gametypes: MLG Team Slayer MLG King of the Hill MLG Odball (Sky Ball) MLG Capture the Flag (Pit Flag) MLG Bomb Takeover Map Video: (gameplayvideo) YouTube- Halo 3 MLG Map - Takeover Takeover Map Screenshots: Overview Top Mid Bottom Mid Red Base Blue Base Red Snipetower Blue Snipetower Red Carbine Blue Carbine Green Gold if you are interested in seeing screenshots of the old Takeover version with bugged glitch look at this links: Top Mid, Bottom Mid, Red Base, Blue Base, Red Snipetower, Blue Snipetower, Red Carbine, Blue Carbine. My thanks goes to: iTs NeXn for helping with the spawnsystem. ChAoZziTy for Forging the Gold area of the map. The rest of FORGING②PERFEKTION™ just for inspirating me ;] And to all thoes people wich helped by testing my map and gave me feedback to optimate it. (Ti2oxic, Eli ze NiNjA, iTs NeXn, xZonKeD, Ch4osPred4tor, iEliteWolf, ChAoZziTy, De Behr. ER4S0R, Frownzy, vDelirium, Eiusiv, DARK HaMoN, Dark Shooter 5, StaFe xDRoiiD, IIDeviL, SssAms4Ra, Killerkeks No1, iTz xBlAcKHaWKx, FG ReFLaX, AoV Drag0n, AoV ClaRiTy, NXG Pr0phecY, RiSinG Ch4oS, XgottaGetFreshX, JuZzeR1994, iFreaKQuenZzY, SF Neji, Leg3nd JoKer, Real Thung1971 & VorTeiL ) sorry if I forgot someone... I’m pretty interested what the forge community is thinking about this map. Takeover download here! (don't judge my english in if it isn't perfeKt, I'am German)
Your english is pretty good That map is tightt. Forging is smooth, layout looks intense and aesthetics look intense. You got a download from me. Only problem is that for MLG, it seems a bit overpowering. The layout is in an S shape and the tips of the S is accesable with mancannons from the mid and any good MLG team will lockdown the middle and just spawn camp the enemy. You have a download from me. Ooo a video. Shall look at that now. EDIT: From the video I didn't see that the ends were overpowering but I did see that on the KOTH gametype it's a bit of a free for all for both teams, whether that is just because both teams weren't used to the map or whether it was actually the maps geometry.
yeah some players wich played whit me in this game dind't know the map alot... I just uploadet this video cause you see the newest ßeta version wich is alos the finished version in it at it was the only KotH game one this day... my map is especially designed for KotH. I don't tryed FFA games on this map and it is not planned for it so I don't think so...
First off let me say the map looks incredible! Now, since I haven't actually played this map yet, I could be wrong, but I think that this map would work better with MLG Narrows Flag. Since there is only one big main path, it would be harder to stop the flag caps on MLG Pit Flag, since there is no "forced return" on those settings (so once the flag is about half way you would have to go clutch and try to shut down the whole team without much help, and they can keep it alive very easily if it's on their side of the map). Again I could be wrong, but I'm going to download this and try both. I'll try to get back and edit this after I've played on it.
we tryed MLG Narrows Flag but it don't worked. no team was able to capture only one flag in the whole game cause of forced returning. the way on Takeover is alot longer from base to base than the way on Narrows thats why you need a alot more time to capture a flag and forced return makes capturing a flag incredeble. CTF Pit plays best.
I was follow that map over 1 months and they she are ! The second version are beter than the first ! Good map , i really love your lift and your sniper tower i think they are unique !
****ing epic, you got a download from me, while I was looking at the pictures before I read the description the lifts reminded me of Narrows. Anyway excellently forged, the gold floor and swirly center piece are my favorite
Hmm... Interesting... I think that MLG Pit Flag would be too easy to cap on. And it sounds like MLG Narrows Flag is too hard. Maybe if you created your own gametype of a combination of the two. Like a longer forced return, that way you'll be able to send it back faster than on the Pit but not as fast as on Narrows. Just an idea, I still need to get some flag games on it... Also, I played a couple of Team Slayer games on the map, and the biggest issue is the lighting effects. The map is just too dark, if you make a V2, take the effects off. Trust me, people don't like lighting effects on competitive maps.
As soon as I saw the overview I thought of conquest. Since I have never played conquest I might be completely wrong, but if this map suits it then it's a gametype to consider. Onto the map. The whole thing just looks awesome, the man cannon... lift.. thing (sorry, don't know what to call it) is probably my favourite part. It reminds me of something from one of bungie's maps, might be narrows. The whole map seems really proffessional but also really interesting. You can see you took your inspiration from bungie's maps. Good job.
Looks better than i thought it would =P ^^ Some of the structures are just amazing, the forging is briliant, as usual, but, it looks more like a conquest map than a mlg map. I havent played it yet, but from the video the pictures and my forge walkthrough it looks like it has the same problems like narrows, it too narrowed. There is barely space to strafe and not many ways to flank. The man cannons are beautifully forged but they could be to overpowered, like b3nw said, i think it could be too easy to lock the middle down, since there is way to much cover, the center piece ruins the aesthetics of the map (for me). Nice map, but nowhere near where you wanted it to be.
abou the FX: i wont remove them If you think the map is to dark you should change your sceen settings. btw you can see ecsactly the same FX on the map Deadbold which is made by iTs NeXn (creator of Onlaught, Lockdown, Flux...) and Takeover is deffently not a conquest map... I'm sorry but the idea is a bit stupid. Takeover is planned, designed, and forged for MLG.
nice map, the forging is really good and everything but I don't like how you have to go top middle or bottom middle to get to the other base. I think the map would play way better if there more routes to get to one place to another. once again, good forging.
looks amazing, like a cross between guardian and conquest. the only question i have is: what happens to spawns if one team takes the opposing teams sniper tower? do they continue to spawn at the back? or do they switch sides? i hope im being clear...
The same that happens with any map, have you ever even played MLG? A huge part of competitive gaming is spawn camping, if someone took control of your tower, it'd be ideal to spawn somewhere on your half of the map while remaining in cover. Unlike the Pit which has ridiculous spawns thanks to the respawn areas. As long as he kept the spawn points designated to a certain team (which would be advised) one team will continue to spawn on their half of the map. If that's what you're asking
Looks absolutely stunning! Well thought out forging and the aesthetics are madness. Gotta download this and take a closer look. Very good job!
So this is now speacilly to hardis in german. Hey Hardis x) ich bins SparTan Ad1. Kennst mich ja sicher noch. Sitze hier grad in Indien und bestaune deine Map. Endlich ist sie mal fertig. Du hast mich übrigens in der Liste mit den Feedback-Leuten vergessen. Aber wenns dir zu wenig war is dein Bier Ok I'm done. The Map looks awesome. I'm one of few people who had seen the Map in its beginings, so the first version not completed. And now I have to say, pretty good. But I don't like those Corner Pipes at Gold and Green. In the first version there had been some Obelisks. They looked much better. Top Mid is a nice aesthetic solution. The weapon layout seems to be great for MLG. And if MLG will add also Sandbox maps in Matchmaking. This one should be one of them Hardis for MLG Matchmaking! peace Ad1 and at this point for anybody who knows Killerkeks No1 send greetings to him.