Atomic Raceway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by x DREAM 76 x, Dec 21, 2009.


Which effects are your favorite?

  1. Atomic Raceway (Sunny & Clear)

  2. Atomic Night (Dark & Windy)

  3. Atomic Ice (Black Ice)

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Atomic Raceway
    Created By x DREAM 76 x

    Recommended Players: 6-12
    Gametypes Supported: Battle Tracks

    Atomic Raceway is my latest forge project. I always wanted to make another oval BT raceway. Only this time I wanted the scale to be on a more epic level! The track has a monstrous 20 second lap time. The degree of bank worked out quite well with the overall feel of the map. This map took approximately five days to make. It was a lot of fun, but also challening. Some stuff was a pain. I Have only had a chance to race it with one party, and it was a blast!

    Enjoy the track and don't forget to check out the three different weather & atmosphere versions that are available! Atomic Raceway which features sunny and clear conditions. Atomic Night is the dusk version. And last, Atomic Ice; An exciting and beautiful take on a nuclear winter setting! I hope you all enjoy the tracks. Please post any comments & thoughts you have on the maps. Thanks and have a blast!










    Atomic Raceway

    Atomic Night

    Atomic Ice
    #1 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  2. suffocation49

    suffocation49 Ancient
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    haha! you have the slower pit stop thingy... but what makes people want to go there?
  3. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    It look rushed to me. The track itself is okay, but the "D-and-J" Thing, idk what it even is... Looks very rushed... The track itself is pretty good. Not all the same level or turns and stuff, but it all has a pretty decent flow. I enjoyed it, but after like 2 laps, it wasnt fun anymore. I'll try to test this with all of the Battle gametypes and see what happens, but i'll rate this overall 3/5. Its good, but nothing spectacular. Nothing else really stands out to me... Idk if that DJ thing is a DL or a BT, i honestly can't tell.

    (I hope this didn't come out too harsh, but i wanted to be honest... =/ ...)
  4. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this comment really hurt me man. You are entitled to your opinion. I poured my heart into this map man. You have to realize that I set out to make a giant oval raceway. I made it an oval on purpose. I don't know how else someone could make this specific type of map and make it any different.

    You have to realize that I usually get an idea, and set out to make that idea. Whether it be just an oval or any other specific, unique idea. I don't feel the map is sloppy at all. The aesthetics are supposed to look cartoony like this. The sign says BT. You might need to turn up the contrast on your TV or something. The track itself is pretty even, so I am not really sure what you a referring to. The fact that you rated the map a 3/5 with out even playing the maps with the recommended game variants, really made me loose respect for you. I gave a nice comment on your Meddler track. Even though I really didn't care for some of the man cannons you had on the turns.

    Anyway, I hope people get a chance to DL the tracks and actually play them with a party and the game variants. I put a lot of effort into the track and I hope some of you get some enjoyment out of it. Thanks.
    #4 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2009
  5. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    First off, I did play on the gametypes. I just said i didn't do battle gametypes. The track was made nicely. I said that many times. But the BT thing wasn't feeling it for me. I love all of you're other tracks and i'm sure this is by far the best oval track to date. I was just expressing my opinion. I liked it a lot. I just didn't understand, and I read the information and i didn't even know what the BT was until I went in and saw that it was a outlook. It was pretty cool. I give pretty much all maps 3/5. If I can find a few things wrong with a map, I rate a 4/5. If I have questions about the map that are unanswered through the bio AND I find a few things wrong, I give it a 3/5. All of you're tracks are amazing Dream. Really, they are good. I can't apologize enough for making my message sound like anger and hatred... I didn't mean for it to sound that way, just tried to give constructive criticism. I did it wrong, my bad.
    Sorry for the distraction from the regular thread.
  6. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    You are aware that 3/5 means 60%, which is an F, right? Meaning you gave his map a Fail?
  7. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
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    A 60% is a "D", not an "F".
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I'm glad I got the chance to play this one with you, Dream. It was a lot of fun. It played great for snipes and regular Battle Tracks. I liked the night version best. The kill balls were a bit blinding on the normal version, and Atomic Ice was interesting, but I think it just took away from the track. Anywho, it is very smooth, and has great gameplay. The mushroom cloud is amazing, and the BT sign is very nice as well. The only problem I saw was the height of the track. If you shoot someone off the track, someone else can shoot them before they die. If the track was lower, this wouldn't happen as much if at all. Not that it does anyway... Great track. Perfect for BT games.
  9. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Although it is not a real Atom and is only a Rutherford model, I found it fun for gameplay (even if I spent about 80% of the games messing around) . The track is very smooth and plays well. I really don't understand the "BT" logo though... I went in there and picked up random things like Spikers and Overshields (huge "WTF" moment). The tunnel does make it look like a "J" instead of a "T" though... (BJ lol)

    BTW: Atomic Night is the best due to it's lack of blinding kill balls and blurriness.
    #9 Loscocco, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  10. 99dudes

    99dudes Ancient
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    I dont know why they said this map is sloppy, it looks very nicely forged. Looks like it would be pretty fun to play it. Im DL and tbh i dont see how anyone would say this map is sloppy!!
  11. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Please, just stop spamming up my thread now and get out.

    The pit is mostly for show. There are some instances where it can be used in game. Such as if you are not the VIP and you have to pick up your VIP faster. Or you are way ahead in points and want to try to pick up your VIP faster.

    Thanks Shaddo. I had fun with the games that we played on this the other night. The action gets pretty intense with like 10 players. You made a couple or really nice shots. I can understand what you are saying about the height of the track. It is pretty far above the grid. I did this so that way the fall felt real when you fell off. I mean it seemed more realistic to fall for a few feet before you die. I never really thought about the chance of someone shooting a team that has already gone over the edge. That is a good observation. I have not seen it effect the game play. It is something I will think about for my next track.
    #11 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  12. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    Official Site

    Not sure where you're getting your info from but obviously you need to think before rating a map.
  13. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    "i'm sure this is by far the best oval track to date."

    Not stepping in the middle here but if you would like to see my oval tracks you can find some on my fileshare. The track is smooth and is a perfect oval for the most part. It is lacking asthetics but no biggy. In my oval track I try to make them like NASCAR and put in the grand stands and stuff like that, walls etc. The track is fun and creates some good racing overall I would give it:

    Looks - 3/5
    racing - 4.5/5
    effort - 4/5 (an oval actually takes a lot of effort everybody)
    Overall - 4/5
  14. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Knight. Yeah, I know all about your oval tracks. I DLed them a while back. I have always been into oval Nascar style racing. I like a lot of your maps. The only problem I had with your maps and your groups oval maps are, the fact that most of them are less than 10 seconds. That really is a problem for me. We don't have people in the towers keeping hand written points like your group does. We rely on the game variant to keep score. And your goal points are not anti cheat. I know it doesn't matter for you or your friends because they don't cheat. For my friends it's a different story. I have a million random people who show up when I host races. All my tracks have to have an anti cheat goal, or else the game is ruined for me when I have to stop racing and boot players.

    Again, I really like your maps . I have one of your oval tracks that I race once in a whille that I enjoy. It's the one that's just over 10 seconds and the aesthetics are great! I know that Atomic Raceway could have had more aesthetics and I wanted to put more. I just chose to make the lap time much higher and it chewed up most of the items.

    If anyone would like to redo the aesthetics, that would be sweet! I didn't spend too much time on that part. I spent about 90% of the time working on the bank. I know that the one side near the kill balls dips down slightly. Luckily it doesn't effect the game play too much.

    Several people have asked me how I made this track so smooth and interlocked. I used a combination or traditional interlocking and the new technique, ghost merging. I have to be honest this map looks easier to forge that it actually was. I learned several things though while I was making it. If I were to make another one, the bank would be perfect and the track would be on the same level. I learned a few things too late while the map was half done. Basically half way through the map I realised that an easy way to measure the height of each piece was to simply place down two double blocks. One double block on top of the other. I then stacked them on the inside of any given track piece. I was able to actaully look at the back of the block and see exactly where the inside bank was, height wise. If I would have done this from the start, the banks would be at the exact same height.
    #14 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  15. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    How long is this track exactly because I mean I know mine are mostly under 10 seconds, except for one I am making, but with the track being long it goes back to the asthetics problem. If there is enough money left I might consider doing the asthetics. Thats up to you though. The track is smooth though I raced it again.
    #15 AnF Knight, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  16. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Sweet man. Do it. There are about forty or so items hidden in the crypt because I knew someone was going to want to do something with it. That coupled with stuff you can delete and or replace with non OLN items, you should have enough to do what you want. I would love to see it!

    As for the lap time, it's 20 Seconds. I was shooting for 16, and was happy when it turned out to be 20. Basically the BT game variants have the VIP goal movement set to 15 seconds, so my main focus on this map was to make sure it cleared well above 15 seconds. Fortunately it did. Thanks for the nice comments. I would like to see some more of your tracks and maybe some new stuff.
    #16 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  17. ExoticNature

    ExoticNature Ancient
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    I'm not sure what to say about this racetrack, but I guess I'll try:

    It looks great, perfectly forged, you even added in a bit of an extra effort to perfect it (pit stop, signature, etc.). But unfortunately the racetrack itself is just not worth a download. It would be great if you could just remove the entire racetrack (besides the pit stop) and turn it into something amazing. Until than, I hate to admit it but it's just an oval. If you could either make it much more than an oval or add something very awesome-looking, I'll update my rating.

    Looks: 5/5
    Playability: 4/5
    Coolness: 3.5/5

    Looking forward to any new versions of this map and hope you can take my advice (one way or another).
    #17 ExoticNature, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  18. One iiNSANE Kid

    One iiNSANE Kid Ancient

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    Can we have a wepon list with spawn times?
    Amazing fun though. Made me want more battle tracks :)
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    No offense but this comment makes me want to throw a pie in your face. I made an oval on purpose. What don't you understand? It is supposed to be an oval. I like oval racing and a lot of people do. You should have realized that from the pics. If you don't like oval racing then don't DL and don't comment.
    #19 x DREAM 76 x, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  20. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Damn. Why is it that so many people don't understand that the track is supposed to go in an oval? I'll give my review a go:

    The track is very smooth, first of all. And thanks to that smoothness, it's absolutly perfect for battle snipes. 8 people on this map = amazingness.

    The weapons have nice placements, and the starting area is very nice as well. I don't understand, though, how that grav-lift tunnel slows you down. :p

    Fantastic job Dream, I might actually try my own aesthetic tricks on here.
    #20 Rorak Kuroda, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009

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