Unlimited money yes, unlimited objects no. Put 'Budget Glitched Canvas' into the search bar and you'll have loads to choose from. Its not possible to have unlimited objects on forge for various reasons.
You can't have unlimited objects, but you can have extra objects. It's called an OLN canvas. Just search for one up there ^.
Normally I'd laugh at you for thinking such a thing was possible but because your friend said so, I won't. Like people said above me, you can get unlimited money (but in such a canvas you have to be careful as to what you delete) but it is impossible to get infinite items. And even if you did, you cannot bypass the total item limit.
Its the probleme of many people ... the linit of object ! But the monney are not a problem but the object linit glitch need to be found !
yeah we've established the fact that theres no unlimited object maps, and you can laugh all you want, when really all that happened was my friend and i had a minor miscommunication. And you cant say its impossible, because theres probably a glitch that lets you that hasnt been discovered yet.