Reach expectations

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Dec 22, 2009.

  1. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I also swear they had something about the engine in that one but it was either in an earlier one, the podcast (in which i'll get back to you tomorrow since its a freaking hour), or a vga interview
  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    It was just a joke. Calm your raging hormones... This entire thread is pretty much a demanding wishlist. You "expect" better matchmaking, you "expect" firefight, you "expect" better forge, you "expect" better AI.

    That is your list, yet you have no proof to back any of this up, so none of it is based on evidence. They havent revealed much outside of the cutscene. This is making educated guesses on what Bungie is doing with Reach which is based solely on hopes, not facts. So saying that you "expect" all of these things is pretty much the same thing as wishing for them. So in this case: Expect(Hope)=Wish: thread=wishlist.
    #22 Loscocco, Dec 22, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2009
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I agree, you can't start an "expectations" thread and not expect people to post "wishlist" like responses. Especaially when Bungie has answered a few simple questions and we've only seen a teaser trailer and a modified cutscene. Yes, it is a slightly modified cutscene, it was in the Bungie Podcast. The cutscene we will see in the game will not be exactly like that and they talked about how somethings are in the cutscene but couldn't be knowing the actual plot.

    My expectations: it'll be awesome.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I have based all 3 of those on fact, it's not a wishlist as I am not wishing that, it's speculation based on facts, that is what I expect will come from reach. It wasn't a joke, your just a moron.

    1. As someone already pointed out, that cutscene is in game graphics, bungie said that themselves, if the graphics are in game graphics, whats saying that, they are not in game physics? The warthog does not drive like that in ODST or Halo 3, my assumption then is they updated or remade the engine.

    2. That, also based on fact. Bungie is doing a BETA test to check the networking and the strain on network, IGN even said that is why they are doing the tests. Halo 3 has one of the best networking setups of many games, call of duty has probally just taken over halo's setup with MOD2. You can really improve much more on the networking, so I assume they have a surprise in store for us, so I am speculating the fact of dedicated servers. Also the maps are also speculation but also based on fact. We know bungie wants the MLG scene to be mainly on Halo, so it is quite easy to say they will dedicate some stuff for them in the form of a default map, I dont think bungie are smart enough to make an MLG map yet so I think they may base a map or two from the default set based on some current maps in matchmaking.

    3. Yes I know it is not certain whether it will be in Reach or not, that's why I said it's a trciky subject but it, ALSO is based on fact. Bungie did not expect forge to be what it is and their not going to leave out customs now are they and you dont see many people playing customs on the default maps, do you? So in an educated geuss, I think Bungie arent dumb ****'s and will add some sort of custom editor, im not going their going to add this new feature to forge or whatnot because we don't actually know if forge will be on Reach but from a business view, Bungie dont want to go down in the recession, they made ODST to make sure of that, now their not gonna let down half of the Halo community by not having it.

    Expecting isn't a hope or a wish. Please don't pretend you know what a word is by comparing it to another word.

    –verb (used with object) 1. to look forward to; regard as likely to happen; anticipate the occurrence or the coming of: I expect to read it. I expect him later. She expects that they will come. 2. to look for with reason or justification: We expect obedience. 3. Informal. to suppose or surmise; guess: I expect that you are tired from the trip. 4. to anticipate the birth of (one's child): Paul and Sylvia expect their second very soon. Does that say wish anywhere?

    Yes I did expect wishlist responses, do not think I didnt when it is obvious you have only read the comments or you would have realised I expected comments. I set a rule for the thread saying do not respond with wishlists.
    Yes of course it's a modified cutscene, it's a damn trailer, they wouldnt want to give away the plot with one video. Being modified doesnt mean the graphics have been changed or the physics have, it more likely means that parts have been cut out with a video editting program and colours have been enhanced etc. Hmm, kind of an expectation but I was looking for something less opinionated.
  5. cheesenipsaregood

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    I definetly expect theater, everyone loves awesome screenshots
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Response= Red Text
  7. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I'm expecting a Campaign more action based. H3: ODST did that well, but I'm hoping for a step up. Constant fray, distant battles, and battle upon entry to an area. Halo has it for the most part so that the enemies spawn once you enter an area. Seeing as how Reach had many marines, ODSTs, Spartans, etc. when being airdropped, for example, entering the battle there should most likely be UNSC troops trying to ward off the Covenant. Also, I hope it ties itself to some of the novels, notably Halo: First Strike.

    I could care less about what they do for multiplayer, just hope they include a Firefight mode, and all the modes from Halo 3, with maybe more gametype customizations, and more in-depth spawn objects for Forge. More vehicles, weapons, etc. is pretty much a given.
    #27 Speed-e-cake, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Reply=Pink. Please stop trying to outsmart me because I will seriously make you look like a dipshit, anymore arguing about it and I will report your ass. Stay on the thread rules or I will report you. PM me or ProfileM me arguing and I will report you. Thanks :)
    #28 B3NW, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  9. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Nope. Listen to the latest Bungie Podcast.

    When I say "modified" I don't mean things like video editing. In the Podcast they mention things which just don't make sense or fit in with the real game. For example, they actual cutscene may have Skull-helmet guy without the helmet but they don't want us to see his face (for whatever reason) or bionic-woman's real arm may get torn off later in the game but its more dramatic to have the bionic arm for the trailer.

    Just examples of possible reasons to modify the cutscene. Not edit video footage for the trailer.

    But the video shouldn't have needed much post production editing, seeing as its from an in game, in engine cutscene. If they needed to adjust the colours then they'd do it in the cutscene, then render it for the trailer.


    Edit: B3NW, you seem to be getting aggressively defencive over your thread. You need to calm down, stop threatening people or people will report you.
    Or, if you keep arguing the thread will be just be locked.

    Be nice, keep it clean. :)
    #29 DMM White, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  10. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Honestly, I hope they make the campaign sort of like Halo 1's. The ODST campaign was pretty generic what with continuous phantoms coming in over and over. Campaign honestly did not satisfy me because most of it could have been done in firefight.
  11. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I sort of think of Reach being Halo mixed with a little bit of CoD. There's already a battle going on and you know that you and you little squad are not going to end it on your own (unlike Master Chief... who some how seems to do just that).

    I'm hoping that you do get some sort of glimpse of a battle field some where. Like you said, Rifte, a lot of ODST seemed to just be "heres some enemies, kill them." followed by "have some more enemies" and a lot of the time they're just standing around. Why on Earth set up defence in a safari park which is right next to a hole you digging and will soon be part of the hole!?

    I'd like to see the enemies coming down for a reason, rather than just to be in your way. Like Crow's Nest, the base is nearly empty! Besides the Master Chief and the Arbiter, there's nothing of any value inside, not even for the humans! And if the Covenant knew their 2 top enemies were in some cliff side base, sure they could have just fired a massive laser at it, flatten the mountains and be on their way!
    #31 DMM White, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  12. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure there is something. Why would they disarm the bomb that keyes set off if there was nothing in there?
  13. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    So they didn't all get blown up.

    Also, this was one of the few remaining heavily armed human military bases, they should've just glassed it.

    Maybe there was too much artillery there, though.
  14. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I wouldn't expect the game to be like CoD. Due to some pictures, it shows shielding systems on armor and health so I wouldn't expect the gameplay to be anywhere near CoD's style.
    Im pretty sure that the covenant just wanted to put a huge hole in the UNSC by wiping out a large amount of marines that are positioned right next to the Ark portal. I would also expect that the Covenant are placed there like in the novels which is because:

  15. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    So nothing to do with graphics at all? Just a few changes to character models?
    Also yes I am being defensive but non aggressive defense is not effective when posters do no read the OP :/

    Damn you just haven't read the OP have you?

    Same as the latter.

    There's other places to discuss storyline. Unless it has something to do with an expectation please do not post it here.


    Now where getting somewhere! Yes the covenant is quite likely to be in Reach because their in the book and it also shows a covenant ship in the premiere. Added to list.
  16. The Nasal Abyss x

    Senior Member

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    I expect for Reach to implement a new gameplay system, (ala Battlefield) and I expect that Forge will at least be included, maybe even improved.
    #36 The Nasal Abyss x, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    there, edited and fixed, for your viewing pleasure;

    can we stop flaming now?
    #37 pinohkio, Dec 23, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2009
  18. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Yes please. This thread is of expectations. That means what we think is going to be in Halo: Reach using deductive reasoning. A wishlist is a list of what you want, not what you predict.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Only to satisfy the OP because he's obviously sad faic...

    I expect Reach will not follow the same mistakes made by the monotonous ODST campaign.
    #39 Rifte, Dec 24, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  20. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    If you have'nt readt the halo novel: First Stike then don't my post :p

    Didn't the covenant attack reach for the forerunner artifact that Dr Halsey found? So do you not think that we might play as either fred or kelly for the final part of the game.

    Thats what i thinks gonna happen. Ohh and i really hope the allow more dual weilds like dual swords I was disapointed when they never put that in h3.

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