I'm not here to comment on the finer points of weapon choice and placement, or even the balance of wooden boxes. it all seems perfectly viable to me. It has a fresh feel overall, I like your use of geometry objects to change things up. My only concern is that some of your spawn points are facing walls and solid boxes. Other than that, great job.
Those spawns were some of the original ones left intact so I felt no need to change them. Honestly sometimes I find it interesting to have to scramble to figure out the situation because I can't quite tell where I am. But there are only a few like that, so you shouldn't really have a problem.
Looks like it might be intresting, thought it seems like you have packed the map with weapons. How balanced are they? At any rate, If my friends and I ever want a change from our favorite map, we will check this out.
There aren't that many more weapons than the default Blackout. And of course with certain areas blocked and certain jumps... reversed there will obviously come a new set of weapons, and gameplay. As far as balance, I have been a pretty active member of forgehub and know how to forge, so I'm pretty confident in my balancing.
woot woot this map is one of the first GOOD ones i have seen on blackout i like how you sunk in the main box, and used interlocking especially in picture 5 nice work and i qued it
You see Y35, I knew you would come to like the forged Legendary maps, it was just a matter of time...
This looks like a pretty good map but I (and maybe others) dont want a map variant. We want different maps to play one. What I mean by that is, I vary with forge/custom games and Matchmaking, sometimes I CBFd forging so I do matchmaking but if I've been playing on a map that is essentially the same but with a different scheme, when I play the default in Matchmaking it puts me at a disadvantage. Because I might be chasing weapons that won't be their.
I love it! It's great to see someone make small changes to a map's layout and completely change the gameplay on the entire map!
I'm glad you said that, that is exactly how I feel. But the gameplay isn't entirely changed, but it still is quite different...
It isn't just the merging that changes things though, reversing the direction players travel through the hatches play a big role as well.
not every day a good map on blackout comes along. Great geo glitching, you seem to be very skilled at that 5/5
dont take this the wrong way but. idk it seems sorta sloppy i havent tried it yet though ill get back at ya after i give it a run