<Homepage | Major League Gaming> The mlg Orlando bracket show recently occured, and the hosts nearly put Believe the Hype in the final four and were convinced that Carbon would take Triggers Down to five games easily. Personally, I think Carbon has a real chance of beating TD and I'm even more interested to see what Dynasty will do in the loser's bracket.
Yeah, I too wana see what Dynasty can do from the LB, I can see them taking 4th quite comfortably providing FB or Instinct don't show up like they haven't been so far. I kinda want to see Carbon take this though. By that I'm not predicting them as first, I think tD and Str8 will both probably just out do them, but part of me just really wants to see Walshy take this, and I'm a hardcore tD fan. Idk, I still really want tD to win, but...it's Walshy. He's the man, and he's been pushing for this win ever since Final Boss's relic of dominance was ousted after Meadows 08. It would just seem to have a certain justice to it, and if tD lose this I don't want it to be to Str8, but to Carbon. Practical side, I just don't see this happening, and largely I'd go with their conclusions. I'm with Nexy on tD for first, though I don't think he gives Str8 enough credit for potential badassery. Str8 for second, Carbon third, and Dynasty fourth unless FB (very probably not imo) or Instinct (possible, part of me really wants to see this as well) pull their act together quick smart. Dynasty have demonstrated twice now that they are not to be messed with, and I can see them getting 4th and giving the top 3 some real angst along the way. Hopefully anyway, I kinda like their style.
First off, this new bracket setup is a joke. I assume they are doing this to shorten the total playtime of the event, but really giving the top seeds even more of an advantage placement wise is just screwing over the 5+ seeds. As far as their predictions go I gotta agree with Nexy on a tD first Str8 second even though it could easily go either way. Carbon should easily clutch the third place spot, and BtH, sQ, and Instinct should have an entertaining battle for 4th. I don't see Classic or FB coming out very strong this event even with Classic's strong showing last event.
Tbh I agree, I had no idea what was going on when they displayed the brackets. But this is the first national championship I've ever seen , I had no idea this was a new implementation. Does suck though, Dynasty for example have worked their asses off past 2 events and are now dumped in the LB from the off, gutting. I can honestly see Classic pulling out some upsets. 4th? Idk, but I think it's possible. I hope Sundance was right that Instinct are really gonna show this time.
This is the first time in which every team can come. For previous championships, only the top 8 teams made it, so be happy that they changed this or Dynasty wouldnt even be there.
Didn't know that either, fair play. Do you know why they implemented this slimmed down bracket for 09? I hadn't heard that it was a deviation until now.
I agree, Dynasty got the short end of the deal being put in the loser's bracket. But if they're as good as everyone says they are, they won't have a problem in the loser's bracket. I am still not going to count BtH out because I'm predicting a win over FB and the gametypes favor BtH over Instict, so let's not be terribly surprised if they finish top 5 in Orlando!
They did this bracket because in the previous years, the top 7 seeds would be in the championships and then there would be a tournament (playoffs) in which every other team would play and the winner goes to the championships as the 8th seed. They changed this for unknown reasons, but here are my and a couple of other people's ideas of why. First off, the obvious fact that every team should deserve a chance, because otherwise teams such as the Dynasty would have had to win the playoffs. While I know this is something that they could easily do, one off series could prevent them from winning and making the championship. Now with this format, while they do get a bad seed in the losers bracket, they are still guaranteed a fairly high finish, are guaranteed to be in the tournament, and since they are 9th seed (first seed to start in the LB), they start out fairly late into the LB. Another theory is the fact that they have 1 less tournament this year and therefore dont have the time for the playoffs. Because of this, they had to implement a new bracket system that allowed all the teams to compete, but still give the top seeds a large advantage. Now, while neither of these may be the true reason, they seem the most reasonable to me.
I really enjoyed watching the playoffs. It was our best chance to watch semi-pro and low seeded pro teams play on what I consider a more relatable level. I can understand a player on a team seeded somewhere between 64-16 way more than I can understand the decisions made by a member of a top 8 team, and thats why I enjoyed watching them so much more than the first rounds of the championship. Of course this doesn't even come close the finals where I get to freak out over every big play like its the first time I've seen Halo. I have my gripes about this new setup, but even so I expect to enjoy myself for the event, and I'll probably be on Skype and try and run some customs with anyone who happens to drop in during the chat.
I dunno, in a way I kinda get the opposite. I find it easier to watch the high level pros because I can identify with what they're doing in an odd kind of way. It's not that I think 'that's what I'd do' necessarily, but when I see them make decisions and I can see the logic behind it perfectly but wouldn't have done it myself, that's pretty much what I watch Halo for. That feeling of learning from it is what draws me in I guess, and even though I was maybe wrong in saying I find it easier to relate before based on how this paragraph has progressed, I guess the enjoyment of watching for me comes more from seeing players who wouldn't act like I would in game, rather than players I can identify with. Tbh I learned pretty much everything I know about real competitive Halo from watching Pro Circuit footage and listening to the players and commentary. I started watching it back when I didn't even rightly deserve the 41 that I had in Dubs, and watching those guys play just blew my mind. I feel kinda odd in the fact that I really learned all my mental and strategic game from watching Halo as opposed to personal experience. Of course personal experience expanded this knowledge and brought it in to the realms of my own gameplay, but I kinda came in to MLG Halo 3 thinking 'crap, all these guys [the MLG Community] not only have a good deal of real competitive experience in Halo 3, but I didn't even play Halo 2... I gotta do some studying!'. It was these guys, like Neighbor, Pistola and, of course, Walshy that I've been watching the whole time I've been in to MLG and learning how to play competitively, I can't help but feel more at home watching them play, though I do feel that this is my loss in terms of wider experience and the sort of Semi-Pro level that I can hardly skip in aspiring to have the ultimate mental and strategic game. I feel you dude, I'll be there too, and I'll also be screaming like a girl every time Pistola does something cool. I'll be on Skype too, I'm sure we can gather a good crowd based on past events. I'm always up for playing customs too, nothing makes me want to play MLG more than watching it, pity is that I always have to choose between watching the stream and having a playable live connection. I'd certainly be up for some FFA or 4v4 during the breaks though, if you're up for it.