Thank you my friend, wow is all i have to say. Finally someone who gets what i think and mean. It so true, our ideal of do what we believe because we are right and you are wrong is despicable at the least. As you said we were brought up with this idea in our head, the government and our whole society is built around it. It truly is saddening to see what we as a culture have succumbed too. No matter what technological advances we make we will always be doomed by putting our ideals before everyone else, why do you think the war in Iraq is so shunned? It is not for the lose of life on our side its the fact that we force our democracy on the world. We are the youngest nation in the world, our principles and ideas although democratic are not the only way. The movie incorporates that greatly, the Na'vi know the planet because they are in tune to it. We force our ideal because we can't grasp this concept. Same problem we had with the Native Americans. If we can't change something we destroy it, America has been that way since the Civil War, we need to change and if it doesn't happen soon we won't have the chance.
i agree 100%. the plot sucked balls but thats fine. I was stuck in awe at the sight of the environment in that movie. I really wanna somehow turn my room into a Pandora. I think the visuals in that movie surpassed any I've ever seen. ever.
Exactly, there is a fine line between media and reality. More and more Americans are using the media as to discover what they expect out of life. The problem is, media never accurately portrays reality and instead exaggerates and bloats aspects of reality. Instead, I think people should consult people with actual life experience to formulate their expectations of life. Hope I made sense. Enough of that crap. Avatar was a 166 minutes of epic. About 15 minutes after I finished watching it I wanted to see it again. I could care less if the plot is cliche, I enjoyed it nevertheless. Most of what I was going to say has been typed in previous posts. If you are going to see the movie, go in without high expectations. Thats what I did, and I loved it. Forget the critics, and keep an open mind.
Thats what i did, i didn't even know what the movies basis was, saw a trailer and thought naw doesn't look that good to me. Dam was i wrong. And like you said right after the movie i wanted to go back and see it again haha. And i agree 100% with you on how the media is corrupting peoples minds, distorting their ability to conceive what reality is.