STORY ODST: "ONI command we have the asset and are approaching codename The Rock, Do you copy." ONI: "Loud and clear, opening blast doors now." .... ONI: "ODSTs, we have a problem." ODST: "Pardon?" ONI: "The door appears to have jammed, hold on mantinence is fixing the problem as we speak." ODST: "You've got to be kidding me! Okay team, we'll have to hold out here until they can fix the door, take cover and prepare for an attack." Desctiption This is a large map meant for asset in which the goal is to fight off the covenent army and protect the asset while the mantinence crews fix the door which will take 3 min. In all of my testing, it was very difficult to survive the intire time but just with in reach. anyways, here are the pics. overview the base covenent spawns the door ACTION SHOTS Thanks for viewing my post and here are the links ONI: The Rock ASSET V2
The first asset map about the base are not in the main Sandbox hill and i think it will be featured ! Great map i really like the base and the outpost !
I looks really nice, but just one question... What exactly is the door... Like what happens at 3 min?
Did you fix the vehicle spawn times? When we tested it that was a bit of a problem, anyway ill download and get back to you with a review whenever I can get a game started.
For future reference, you only need to have the thread name Asset: Map Name. I'll play your map later, so I'll try to get my suggestions for your map some time later today. From what I can tell right now though, you're going to be screwed over when the banshee comes in because of how open it is in the main building.
When I tested it with him it wasnt that difficult to take it down because of the missle pod, but if he didnt fix the respawn times (banshee and choppers where all 30 seconds) then yes I agree with you 100% about that because you can only handle so many vehicles at one time.
yes I made the choppers spawn at different times and I made it so banshee spawns less often. man cannons spawn at 3 min which open the door the banshee isnt to overpowering as jellofish777 said because of the missle pod and the turret in the back room. Also I forgot to mention which brute classes there are, there is the reglular brute, cheiftan (although very rare), captain, and jump pack brutes. I didn't put in stalkers because in all of the other maps that have stalkers that I have ever played on, the round would always end when some one would get the stalker because they can assassinate virgil too easily.
Good to know, just wish i had more people playing Halo 3 now that the maps been fixed, I really want to try and beat it this time
Yaaaa! ah man this is one of the best asset map I have seen. You did a great job Dark, when we tested it it worked out great. I really like the base and the vehicle spawn is very good too. I love your originality for this one, I havn't seen one like it yet. Glad you fixed the roof issue too.. . Overall great map 8.5/10 amazing job