Welcome to The Temple of Tyran Beware of this place young one, many people have fought and died over these ruins. Some say that the gods protect it, some say that it holds the worlds most powerful weapon. We have fought the covenant over this place for many years, and yet the battle is still not over. you can help uncover the mysteries of the unworldly place. Now lets get Serious (sorry bout that I'm a writer) hope that didn't bore you Ok so this Map works with all Red vs blue game types I.E: Team slayer, Team King, Assult, Territories, and so on! WHO WANTS SOME SCREENSHOTS I KNOW I DO ^ Blue Base ( Both are symetrical ) ^ ^ Red Base ^ ^ Rear of Red ^ ^ Rear of Blue ^ ^ Center First ramp up (rocket spawns in the temple) ^ ^ Second Ramp up (Chopper underneath) NOTICE THE HOLE TO THE CRYPT IS BLOCKED NOW ^ ^ Cool Structure ^ ^ Brute Shot in Cool Structure ^ ^ Sniper Spawn ^ ^ Shotgun Spawn ( Also Needler ontop ) ^ ^ One of the many entrances to the base (bubble shield there) ^ ^ Cool Structure 2 (Mauler at front of it) ^ ACTION SHOTS!!! ^ Grrr That Snipe Didnt hurt him ^ ^ Notice The Arch is thier to make snipers worry more about thier surroundings rather than just sniping ( They cant just crouch behind it ) ^ ^ Wonder who won ?......... Wrong the sniper sniped ^ ^ HEADS UP! ^ ^ Power Drain vs Rockets ^ ^ End Game Point ( I won lol ) ^ WEAPONS LIST 10 Battle Rifles - 10 sec spawn 1 Shotgun - 90 sec respawn 2 snipers - 90 sec respawn 4 smg's - 30 sec respawn 2 plasma pistols - 20 secs respawn 2 plasma rifles - 30 sec respawn 2 needlers - 45 sec respawn 2 bruteshots - 45 sec respawn 1 rocket 120 sec respawn 4 Carbines - 10 sec respawn 2 maulers - 30 sec respawn 2 warthogs - 90 second respawn 4 mongeese - 20 second respawn 1 chopper - 120 sec respawn 6 frag gernades - 10 sec respawn 8 plasma gernades - 10 sec respawn 2 bubble shields - 60 sec respawn 2 Power drains - 60 sec respawn 2 regenerators - 60 sec respawn http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=99015120 ^ DOWNLOAD HERE ^ I would like to thank: sargent major 1 Aaron4114 jklop60 POW xPURPLExx (also SCCG) Rubix93 XGXB T7 Recon ( We call him Halo ) Thank you guys for helping my test this map and perfect it to the maximum of my ability I WOULD LIKE TO THANK jklop60-for helping me make about 25% of the map POW xPURPLExx (also SCCG)-For Finding as many of the Glitches in is as he could Rubix93- For helping me get the spawners just right XGXB T7 Recon ( We call him Halo )- for also finding glitches in the map Thank you for spending your time to read this post. Plz Check out Seige of Versa ^ http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=95051801 ^
i think i found a thread with too many pictures lol for the first time.... anyway it looks nice nothing looks badly forged it just looks dull to me.... its 2 bases with a chopper in the middle...... i think it's too basic and i wouldn't play it but it is nicely forged together.
You made a good map and kept it quite simple. The symetry gives this a 10/10 for balance, although one team could hold out for a while with the chopper and rockets, but theres enough cover to hide from the chopper, and make driving dificult. The aesthetics 8/10 do work well and everything is cleanly forged, however there is no merging which makes maps smooter and look much better. For originality 5/10 this really dies, the map plays well, but it brings nothing new into the game. Although the gameplay is perfect, it really lacks something to make it stand out. Still this is a great map overall 8/10.
Epic Win Picture lol, because he thought he was being sneaky! Anyway this map looks like it can squeeze some fun customs in, and I'll try to test it in a couple of days. I like how you added some small aesthetics in there like the platform with angled blocks in it, I know it's been done, but its unique structures like that that keep us forging
Thanks Thanks for the input guys I apreciate it, NOTICE: i fixed a small spawning issue with team slayer , should be fixed now!! keep up the comments plz i enjoy reading them ty
Glitch Sorry bout that guys fixed a few issues -made it harder for people to get ontop of the temple in the middle no way i can make it impossible but its very hard to get up. -added a few spawn points and altered a few already on the map -Slightly changed the respawn of the chopper to 90 seconds from 60 - fixed a few peices near the shotgun that didnt spawn at start -sorry about all those bugs should be good now feel free to comment and tell me about any other issues
Good map i really love your base but Its your weapon . First a sniper in each base is okay but maybe put it at the first floor of the base . Second a chooper at the midlle of the map are not the best thing i see of all m y live ! Maybe put a Chooper on each base with a warthog . At the midle you could place a ghost or dont put enything . Third dont but a shotgun in this kind of map its maybe too open for a shotgun and put the needler at the shotgun spawn when you gonna have delete imm . Last , your Overshield are maybe the single thing it okay for the weapon ! Maybe you could delete the Plasma Rifle and the mauler because it too lot of weapon for nothing ! But good desing fot your base and the midle !
Cool Cool thanks for the tip ill check it out once i get the xbox back from microsoft i got some problems with it and i dont feel like wasting my halo 3 edition xbox and buying a new one so thanks for the tips and ill check it out when i get it back