YouTube- This is Just Embarrassing... So this guy Squandon and his two friends called me out when I jumped in to play some Team Swat. So it was a 3v1, I end up embarrassing them 50-21. Also, Squandon's K/D ratio is .73! Well, i'll give you you're pride, but never call someone out if you suck ****! The Gametype and Map were their choice also. We played this retarded Gametype with Snipers only and like 75m radar. I owned them even when playing at their own house! Pretty sad.
I don't understand what the video is supposed to show. That you can miss a sniper shot from two feet away, melee someone in the back, and insult them?
He's the one that told me, "This kid just gave me the camo, you dumb ****". Then I assassinated him which greatly embarrassed him.
I think it was him cap-carding the opponent's voice through Proximity Chat, and then proving the opponent wrong by assassinating him as he finished the sentence. TheorEDIT: didn't refresh.