im working on a map with assault but i only need 1 bomb spawn.... ever time i change the game type . another 2 bomb spawns spawn up top were thay are in reg sandbox.... i delete them and thay just come back is there any way to have them not spawn? sadface :'( :cry: EDIT: once i start forge i change the game type to assault: then delete the original bomb spawns(2) after placeing the (1) i need: save : end forge: restart forge: then change gametype to assault.... there back.....
there is no 1 bomb gametype there only assault in forge if i delete the bomb spawns that apper in the map when you change the game type in forge: save: end game: start forge agen: change type to assault: the bomb spawns are stell there....
Delete the one you are using and put the other two in the crypt. Either way you can't make only one bomb spawn. You have to have one defenders and one attackers or else they will spawn in the original positions. Either way you're better off using the original ones.
I remember reading some where that you need 1 bomb spawn and plant point for attackers,defenders, and nuetral. Not 100% sure if thats true though, try it out, just put them all in the same spot then when you make the gametype make sure its only 1 bomb.
Ohh dear. Just keep the second spawn, if you wish you can move it from it's original spawn. Put on the one bomb gametype in CUSTOMS and only one will appear. I beleive it is only the attackers that appears.