UPDATE: THE MAP THAT NEEDS 2 B TESTED WILL BE ON MY FILESHARE ON XMAS DAY UNDER THE NAME, JUMP TEST, IT WILL NOT B DONE BUT THE JUMPS THAT NEED TESTING WILL B THERE. UPDATE: AS OF XMAS. 12-25-09 THE MAP FOR TESTING WILL BE ON MY JUMP ACCOUNTS FILESHARE (Wh3red I gO) CALLED "JUMP TEST" AFTER YOU DOWNLOAD IT PLEASE TRY IT OUT AND SEND ME A MESSAGE WITH ANY IMPROVMENTS U THINK IT NEEDS, OR POST A MSG ON HERE OR JOIN ME IN GAME, I DO NEED FEEDBAK THU. SINCE THIS IS A TEST. ALSO, DO NOT EXPECT IT 2 B COMPLEATLY FINISHED, IT IS A TEST, THERE WILL BE NO GAMETYPE YET, PUT ON NO SHIELDS AND NO HEALTH. VID BONUS: IM GOING TO BE MAKING A MONTAGE/RUN THROUGH OF THE MAP FOR YOUTUBE, SO IF U GET A GOOD JUMP ON THIS MAP TAKE A FILM CLIP AND SEND IT 2 ME SO I CUD USE IT FOR THE MONTAGE, U WILL GET CREDIT!! note: Jump Vol is not the map that needs testing, that is a map u shud try to make sure u can help test the map that will be called Jump Test. Thanks for taking the time to read these updates. now onto the info. -------READ ALL B4 COMMENTING, POSTING, OR MESSAGING ME------- Hi, im currently working on a new jump map for :shiver:*advanced*:shiver: jumpers only. And i need testers, ive tested most of the jumps but there are a few i need help with. Also please do not waist my time if you not good at advanced jumping. The map contains tripple ghost edge's, hard ramps, rubble jumps, turret run offs, hard ghost edges, and other combanations that will make ur life :joker:HELL:joker: If your not sure if you can help test this jump map try out my jump map called Jump Vol. on my halo 3 fileshare. Heres the link : CLICK_HERE If you can not do that map easily in under 7 minutes. Do not message me to help test. I need advanced jumpers! Also. for ingame messages, i will be on my jump account Wh3red I gO (Not versatile verve)
Me and my friend are good jumpers we know how to do almost all the jump ! So we will be very open to test it !
I just tried it and it was nice. Wasn't too hard, but definitely wasn't easy. Great job. That slide jump was way to easy. If you make another one or need me to test another one, just message me.
I'll do it. Recommend it to me if you don;t mind because I cannot access my bungie.net account due to lack of info. :-\ GT:BlazeIsGodly
yea lol thats just 2 make sure u guys can do it, ill be on xmass day and put the one i need u guys 2 test on my file share then. ill rec it 2 those of u who need me 2 also. if ur interested send me a pm on wh3red i go so i cud reply to it with the map that needs testing. thanks guys xD its not guna b finished thu but, its almost there.
trust me, its guna b lol, i just need 2 make sure its all possible, no glitches, any bumbs i shud work out, the normal map test needed. just a lil more involved since it's a jump map. anyway, once i put it on my fileshare any1 who downloads it please also send me a msg of wat cud b improved after u try it, or join my game, im guna b workin on the map xmas day and the day after, it wont b on my fileshare longer then those 2 days. (till its done anyway, and keep in mind its guna b part of the map, so dont expect it 2 b compleatly done when u test it, anyway, thanks guys xD ) also if any1's interested ima b saving film clips of jumps on my map 2 make a vid for it for my utube channel. If ur interested in helping with that, save a clip of a hard jump u got on that map and ill give u credit in the vid. my utube channels www.youtube.com/njhalonj if u guys want 2 make sure im not just some jump nub first lol.