Scratched Cavern Made by: Versatile Verve 2v2/1v1 map Located deep under Ghost Town, these caverns used to be full of untainted water.. Download: LIGHT_VERSION Download: DARK_VERSION --Quick Video Of Scratched Cavern-- [bungievid]99794200[/bungievid] Gametypes; TS: Slayer, weapon list below "General Info" Team CTF: Flags located at each teams starting points Team Odd Ball: Odd ball located In top mid and bottem mid Team KOTH: Hill located at top mid and bottem mid General Info; Location: Top of cript Layout: 2 Base asymmetrical with 2 levels Min. players: 2 Max. players: 4 Weapon/Equipment List; 2 Snipers- 120 spawn 0 spare clips 1 at each base 2 Carbines- 90 spawn 2 spare clips 1 at each base's drop down 4 Battle Rifles- 10 spawn 2 spare clips 2 at each base 1 Brute shot- 90 spawn 1 spare clip 1 at tele reciever 1 Mauler- 90 spawn 1 spare clip 1 at tele reciever. (takes place of brute shot in Dark version) 1 Bubble Shield- 180 spawn not at start 1 across from brute shot 1 Active Camo- 180 spawn not at start 1 at bottem mid 4 Plazma Granades- 10 spawn 2 at each base 4 Frag Granades- 10 spawn 2 at each base This map took me a bit longer then most of my others, straying off my beaten path, I made an asymmetrical team map. Not only was that a little odd for me. (I rarely make asymmetrical maps, first time ever for an asymmetrical team map.) But this map is ALL ghost merged. It was a bit time consuming but I think it payed off in the long run. The only things not ghost merged are the teleporters, but they are still merged. But what realy sets this map apart from my others, and most maps of other peoples, is that this map is ghost merged into the top of the cript. Being that all the objects are connected, and that it is in the top of the cript, it is realitivly small. But still gives a big, "Where am I and where do I go??" feeling. Well, now that you've seen the video, and read all this. Lets get on to what you realy wanted: The pictures!! (Though I must say the video seems pretty cool to me aswell... lol ) Pictures: _____________________________________________ Blue base start Blue base snipe Blue base drop down Overview of Blue base Looking from Blue to mid _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Red start Red snipe Red dropdown Overview of Red base Looking at Mid from Red _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Tele Sender/Bottem mid Tele Reciever/Brute Shot _______________________________________________________ Dark Version Examples: Blue Red Mid from Red Download: LIGHT_VERSION Download: DARK_VERSION
Wow, not a special genre of map but an odd twist to it. I like how your map is on the roof of the crypt. It also has some drop downs which I am doing in my next map. Keep it up and good job.
Holy bejezus man that looks sick nasty. Im digging the look, also did you leave the floors a little rough. I did that on my cave map and people are all bitchy about it but i say if its a cave then the floors are not going to be smooth. Anywho you got my dl, man i have so many good maps right now its rediculous.
Lol thanks man, and i know what you mean bout the floor. I did some parts smooth but some parts i left with a bump up or 2. I figured out if you just make the floor go up and down, like smooth bumps, people dont get mad about it. It takes out from the idea of making it life like, but i figured its a good trade off. Thx for the comment man.
YAY I have been looking for a slayer map that replicates the feel of the hollow, but is built for slayer not conquest. I love the floor and all. Great map. You should really make more of these. Im like high from playing your map
I like it bro but i think you could have elaborated more on the bottom part, id like to see one where you have the top part with 2 drop zones to the bottom cave. then a nice large area at the bottom.
what do you mean by 2 drop zones?? theres one drop in blue and one in red if thats what you mean?? And yea, i plan on making it bigger in v2. nice to know im on the right track.
Nail on the head lol, yes i mean have a large open cave up top, but have 2 drop zones. One in red, one in blue. Then have the bottom based around a large cave area.
umm, i do have one drop down in red and one in blue thu??? im a little confused about the drop downs, but i agree with you on the rest
Of course I don't really get the point of the dark version, because it is hard enough as it is to see. And even more how did you not hit the item limit? Did you use a special canvas? And another thing, I dig the map, it gives me an adventurous sort of feel. I'm not sure if that was intended, but it's great!
lol nope, normal map, no mod, no glitch, nothing. to tell u the truth? i have no clue how i didnt hit a budget. lmao im not complaining thu. and for me, the dark version is more for fun, makes it more intense, wat do u think? and yes, about time some1 noticed it, that is the whole reason i made this, a fun, adventurous, but still competitive map.
that was the point.. now give me ur opinion on the map, im pretty sure this can be considered spamming unless its about the map. pm or vm me stop usein this. lol.
Perhaps these cavern maps are a little overrated, i mean it seems effortless to ghost merge a map because of the simplicity of the result, but then again forging takes much patience. I played it and i have to say i enjoy seeing where i'm going a bit more then not knowing where i am every and having that affect my gameplay. A bit of a regretable download for me unfortunately. Not to say i don't think the map is good at all. For all your patince though you deserve it.
Thanks guys. And i kind of agree, cave maps focus more on time and the way they look i think, it is relitivly easy i think. Np . and yes, only 1 way bak up from bottem mid. but 2 ways down.
It looks pretty sweet. I love cave/enclosed maps. The only thing i have a problem with in this map is that sometimes it would look like you would get confused with which is up and down and which base you are at. But great job on the interlocking and geomerging. Seems like it took you a while to make like you said. Im probably gonna be sticking to the lighter version because in Halo I cant see crap in the dark. much?
thanks man. and lol i no wat u mean, i used 2 play on this awesome blackout map (cant remember name) and i cudnt see anythinggg till my friend sugjested turning the screen brightness for halo up to "highest" lol. epic fail on my part. anyway, yea it took awhile. but cud u explain more bout the "which base ur at" part? i want 2 improve this map, and i need a little more info 2 do it, does the blue/red lights not help tell u wat side ur at? or are the lights not bright anove? any info is helpfull. thanks.
Very creative..So much awesomeness running through my mind.. (I should get some buddies to play..) You have a very good concept going on..!