Actually no, it tends to be simpler. The more players you add, the easier a match kind of flows, and the less evident mishaps or troublesum issues are that are due to the map. It's potentially a much easier map to make. People don't play big team battle like they play 4v4, nobody does. You don't need something that has an mlg forgers level of thought and insight to every block that is placed, although even if you did, it would not be that big of a task. It's just that 4v4 is easy to do. You don't need as many players in a game. There are less of you, so it feels more 'at home' and 'LANy' (hah), so immediately it's more enjoyable. Situations are easier to estimate, so players don't feel as cheated. There is a much better potential connection, so you won't be getting restictions on which friends you can play with or how much of the game won't be black-screen.
Thats funny, there are walls and a ceiling in the actual map, but yet these spots were useful when playing friends? Wierd, were you playing in forge? lol. Burn
Very good, well deserved feature.. the rockets work really well in with this! Grats Zombievillan on the feature
I think this map is great. I played this with a bunch of my friends and the only problem I found was that some of the movement wasn't very smooth. The map needs a little bit more flow. Either way, great map.
Well how many people were playing cuz it flows well with a 2v2 which is what it was made for. There are only 2 or 3 spots that are jumps and the rest of the entire map is all ramps. I feel it flows pretty good in competetive games though, which is what was in mind with this map.