Archipelago: (ahr-kuh-pel-uh-goh) Designed by: MickRaider Forged by: Short Bizzle Gametypes: All gametypes supported Description: This map was forged by MickRaider first on Sketchup, then passed on to Short Bizzle for forging. Still in the testing stages, but here is some of what we have... Release date: Near Christmas -Current design subject to change post testing. --Tell us what you think and any constructive criticism you may have. ---Thanks and happy forging =)
This map looks great, i am looking forward to DL'ing this , great creation , looks a lil small , maybe 3v3? i dunno , but 5/5
With 5 distinct routes between bases, carefully thought out lines of sight and 3 stories high we have had testing sessions with as many as 5v5!!
Played this the other day with Mick Raider. I thought the design was great and I loved all the mancannons. It was easy to break and it has lots of flickering, but Mick assured me that it would all be taken care of before the release. Can't wait to see the final product!
Damn, the design was actually perfectly executed. Congratulations to Mickraider for an awesome design and to Bizzle for bringing this masterpiece to life. I will be looking for this when it gets released
I played this with Vince and Nondual the other day for like two hours straight, and this map is just ****ing beastly. Just as good as it looks. It has to be one of the best KOTH maps ever forged. Keep kicking Forge ass, guys.
I just jizzed when i saw this no but seriously I cant wait for it to be released. as with all micks designs it looks amazing and you've also done a great job of forging it.
Thanks for all the support guys. Short Bizzle did an amazing job turning my design into a real map and deserves a ton of credit. If you want to help test it send me a message. We will also be hosting a Testers Guild game sometime in the future.
That's really impressive. I want to play some 4v4's when this comes out. I can't really tell from the pics, but it looks a bit tricky to get to the top of each base. If you go through the man cannons, you are quite open. Using that staircase to get up looks a bit too narrow to easily climb it. Maybe you guys could make it wider somehow.
Really, really nice. It seems like it would play incredible KiTH, CTF, slayer... It's just so great! I would love to be able to test sometime, although I don't know with finals and whatnot. Perhaps after this week.
awesome. the design is interesting and the forging is excellent. how do you get on that tiny island though? and does it have any effect on gameplay?
There are man cannons leading out of each base (between the colored columns) and then there's a teleporter in the bottom middle that takes you one way there.
This map looks like a Unreal Tournament Championship 2 map ! The base and the grass very feal me like the unreal map ! Goog desing and nicely forged !
Well that's a pretty funny coincidence cause I've never played a game of unreal tournament in my life. I'm glad you like it though. It should be a lot of fun.
Yeah ! Maybe let the map like she are and remove the rocket for a Fuel Rod Gun ! I really love this weapon because the bullet do some bounce and the desing are great but let your map like she are ! Good desing again . Maybe but the lift in the floor ! More cool like this . On a picture we saw a pallet . Maybe delete it !
I'm holding a testing session tonight: Please sign up here:
Map's looking great so far. The design is one of the best I've seen, and I might actually convince my infectioner friends to play a game on this with me. They love maps with mancannons.
Please make a post for a test in the days coming because i really want to test it and i can tonight so !
Hi! I helped you test last night. No Mic though so i couldn't talk anyways, the map looks even better close up. However 5 vs. 5 is too many people man.