I've seen the SOTW (screenshot of the week) banner and thought of a signature I would want.I've tried and tried different methods I made up...But none of them worked. Not my picture. I want to figure out how to make something like this.?
In PS write some text then accept it. After so drag an image in and then right click on it to make it a Clipping masking. Its that simple.
heres a tutorial i made for gimp it will explain how to do the sig there and its a free program.... watch the first part to find out about gimp and the second part to find out how to do that sig.... watch full screen and make sure you watch in HD Part 1 YouTube- GIMP 2.6.6 - tutorial part 1 Part 2 YouTube- GIMP 2.6.6 - tutorial part 2
failed at trying to make sig???? if so just follow my second video step by step and you will get it pretty easy....