For Hanukkah, I got Muse Tickets Rorschach T-Shirt New Super Mario Bros The Orange Box L4D2 Borderlands LoZ: Spirit Tracks Beatles Rock Band $40 Gamestop A Free Movie Ticket Admission thing Some clothes An RC Helicopter 2 Star Wars Legos Islander/Red Wing Tickets Some Monies
Which show? I was at there last show in Vegas. My brother moves to Oregon tomorrow, so he will bring me presents tonight :3
unfortunately i celebrate neither Christmas nor Hannukhah, so i recieve nothing but a few small gifts from friends/parents etc. in the holiday spirit.
Like Hari, I don't celebrate. Instead I get asked what I need for the following year. I got a brand new 25' HDTV. An iPod Touch. Getting all the songs on is a pain in the ass. Especially because I now realise I need every album picture for each song. Otherwise, awesome. 'Bout it really.
So far(from x-mas cards from relatives I won't be seeing) I've gotten a total of 230 bucks! 70 more until I can afford photoshop's student discount!!!
well i got to open a gift today. An active shirt, size small when I'm a large. Fits perfectly. I also noticed another game shaped present under our tree to me ;]
Waste of money. :/ Just dl it. Anyway I got myself a fleece coat, Nike flight condors and an iPod touch which I am currently posting from.
serious ****. Its a waste, do as Vinny says. Oh, and being a user of PS, i recommend getting CS3 Over CS4, CS3 is much easier, user friendly, and cheaper if you are going to buy. Well, merry Christmas eve to all.
I don't want anything for Christmas, but since I got bugged for an X-Mas list over and over again, I asked for a TV (like one of those 30" flat screens that go on the wall for like $250).
A dead puppy. My parents forgot to put the holes in the box.... welll at least I got to keep the bow .
32gig iPod touch iPod case wallet < $110 cash And this is only the first day! Xbox 360 Elite Holiday Bundle 50 Dollar Gamestop Gift card Chocolate.
call of duty PJ's and dragon age. also, probably a new phone, some other games and a whole lotta hoodies. will update after i open all my stuff in the morning. *edit* edge gunnars(super sexy), epic hat(pics eventually),snuggie, xbox cheat book, mw2 stuff, game related pj's/boxers, wah pedal, beatles shirt (abbey road!), a song book with 194 beatles songs, my long lost ac/dc track pack, brutal legend, etc. oh, and 295$ to use towards my new fender strat w/ humbuckers and a 150-200 gig amp.i cant wait untill i get it =)
Hacky sac, family guy two pack of the star-wars versions, not everythings be opened yet so i guess tomorrow will be a suprise
I know I'm getting The Saboteur and The Orange Box; whether my parents have anything else in store remains to be seen. I've received a lot of good gifts this year, so my Christmas list was sparse.
Making Ambercrombe/Hollister clothes cheaper since 1993! :b Well, opened new presents today. Got a new jacked, 20$, and a chocolate orange from my grandparents. Pretty sweet.