I've been wondering this... assault is an extremely strategic gametype, and neutral assault is even more so. it seems like a gametype that would work well for MLG.. why not?
There is a neutral bomb gametype that I find really fun. I'll link you to the MLGPro thread in a sec. EDIT: http://www.mlgpro.com/forum/showthread.php?t=207323
It used to be in the circuit during the Halo 2 days (well it was in 'Team Hardcore' which was MLG) on Midship. A major reason in my opinion is that Assault games demand more strategy and team imput to move the bomb around, and an advance can easily be disrupted and destroyed, setting a team back a good 30 seconds. It doesn't sound a big deal but it can be a heavy load on a team of 4. Assault games always tend to play better with more people (on H2 and H3 in my opinion) because they even the stress load on more people, involving a defence as the bomb is armed from the entire team. It's way more enjoyable with more people than CTF ever is.
One major complaint I've heard about it is the fact that the game has no announcement when the bomb is being armed, only when it has been armed. Also, MLG wants the bomb carrier to have to stay alive for a several second arming time rather than just rush in, plant it, and maybe die but still score because of the disarm time. Combining those two means the game gives no notice at all when the bomb is being scored, unlike flag or hill where there's a message when the other team is working with the objective.
hm that makes sense ladnil.. couldnt you do something with a really short touch-disarm but only if there are no enemies or something? idk i havent looked at assault options recently
Yeah, the main reason is the no notification when you are planting the bomb, and sadly there is no real solution to the problem. I wish there was a way to make it work, but so far nothing has been found.
I don't think you can do anything like that with the gametype, but I haven't really tried to either, so who knows. Epicenter by DeathstarsOG is a map that attempts to make bomb play well in Halo 3. What he did to work around the lack of announcement while maintaining the idea that the carrier has to stay alive for several seconds to arm it is place the arming point in a very open position, so a simple glance will tell you if anyone is arming. The gametype I last saw had a 5 or 10 second arming time(I'm not sure which exactly) and a 5 second fuse time to allow the scoring team to escape the detonation. Disarming it is impossible once its planted.