Mango Compatible Gametypes FFA (Slayer, Oddball, King of the Hill): Up to 5 players Team Slayer, Odball, King of the Hill: 2v2 (Territories) Flag Rally: 2v2 Description This map began as an idea that I had long ago to cut Ghost Town in half, turning it into a highly competitive Team Doubles map, perfect for small, competitive parties. However, it was not until ghost merging that I was able to make this idea come to life. The idea was to bend half of the map around the center observatory, creating a whole new feel than the original Ghost Town. It plays so much differently than the original that one will forget it is the same map. The shape of the map is now an “L” shape, different from the circular shape of the original Ghost Town. The blueprints of this map were thought out beforehand to make sure the most competitive and fun gameplay would ensue. Small corridors near the observatory were created for CQC to contrast the more open areas around the outside which is a battle rifle playground. New upper walkways have also been added to give more height variation as well. Also, since it is a rather small map, weapons have been adjusted so that no one will ever feel underpowered. The weapon set is more focused on dual wielding, a major aspect of Halo 2 which I attempted to resurrect with this setup. And although the weapons list does not show a true power weapon, the brute shot is easily a dominant force on this map. This map has gone through three tests here on the Tester’s Guild and several other tests as well. My goal was to make sure everything was perfectly balanced and to fix any spawn issues. After all the adjustments, Mango is finally completed and ready to be enjoyed by all of you! Weapons Spiker (2 spare clips) - x3 - 30 sec Battle Rifle (2 spare clips) - x2 - 30 sec SMG (2 spare clips) - x2 - 30 sec Plasma Rifle - x2 - 30 sec Plasma Pistol - x1 - 30 sec Brute Shot (2 spare clips) - x1 - 45 sec Overshield - x1 - 180 sec Plasma Grenade - x6 - 10 sec Frag Grenade - x2 - 10 sec Video (Thanks to redearth!) YouTube- Halo 3 Maps: Mango (On Ghost Town) .mp4 Overview Pictures Spoiler Action Shots! Spoiler Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who helped test out this map, including everyone who gave feedback: Rorak Kuroda, ultsf, meltyourtv, RedNeck, Dewski, steve 11thselby, Devil95, JFox, and Phenomenal. Also, special thanks again to redearth for making the video! Mango
Woot! It's finally posted. Great job ozarka, it's clean, well thought out, and hella fun. It was fun to test too! I can't wait to introduce this to a few friends.
You might wanna change the text color, on FH Oldschool I can't read anything. And your welcome for the video. If anyone else wants one I'd be happy to do so for now.
Thanks Rorak! I hope your friends like it, and I'm glad you were able to get in on the testing Ahhhh sorry! I am a very forgetful person. Added you though! If I forgot anyone else, please feel free to let me know. Fix'd.
Congrats on finally posting you map, I was happy to test. Let me know if you need any testing done in the future.
It's great to see more maps done on Ghost Town, especially with Ghost Merging, (lolz, i found a connection). But, it seems that these are quite simple ideas that are easy to create. Now, that doesn't mean this map is bad, quite the contrary, it's very well made, but I want to see somebody make a ghost town map that is more then blocking a few doors and adding a few ramps. But, don't listen to my ranting. Great job with the post. =)
I really liked this map while testing as it created a lot of fun 2v2 gameplay. The size of it is perfect and the added tunnels and ramps create a much better gameplay than the original Ghost Town. It's really nice to see such a clean map too. This map deserves a lot of credit, for it is definitely extremely fun to play and a nice break from all of the Sandbox maps being made these days. Awesome work, Ozarka!
Let me start by saying: This map was not made as a product of screwing around with the new ghost merging glitch. Like I said in the OP, the concept for this map had been in my head long before ghost merging was discovered. Ghost merging allowed me to make that concept real. Now what does this mean? It means I didn't just "block a few doors and add a few ramps." If you took the time to look at the vid/pics you wouldve seen that HALF of the original ghost town was blocked off, which creates a completely new feel and style of gameplay. You will forget you are even playing on ghost town. I can assure you I did not just add a walkway here and there and call it done. I had a purpose for everything. Next point: It may be "easy to create," but does that matter at all? Is not the whole point of a map to have fantastic gameplay? Reviewing a map based off of forging difficulty is not a review at all. Play a few games on it and come back to me. You will see. Thanks Phenomenal! Glad to see my hard work is appreciated
this is certainly cleaned, but it could be better especially around the outside borders. but overall this looks good but i dont find anything special about the map other than it being only half of ghost town, i will play and have a look at this later. other than that i would have to give it a 3/5, because it looks very boring
Great merge man ! Good weapon choica man but maybe add a power weapon for more challange on your map ! Maybe add a shotgun , Mauler or a sword ! But great idea to make a map on a part of Ghost Town !
You give it a 3/5 because it LOOKS boring .... that's all I really need to say Definitely let me know what you think after you've played a few games.
This might be considered bump/necro but, i recently played a few games on this and tweaked the spawns so that all spawn problems should now be taken care of
Looks like a good map. Ghost Town was always one of my favorites, but everyone always vetoed it in matchmaking. I'm glad to see that someone could actually make a competitive map out of it that doesnt consist of blocking individual hallways. small teams seem to be good on this map, and i like the fact that most weapons are halo 2 duals. (brings back memories) although it does seem easy to forge, this map plays beautifully. just one question, can buddy jumping get you over any of the barriers or did you build them up to the soft barrier for the sky?
Thanks man, glad you like it. And about about the buddy jumping: I made sure I built up to the sky barrier, so it's impossible to escape
Oh man, I remember this. Definitely the best custom Ghost Town I've played, most just spam ghost merging and come out with the same product. It combines unique close quarters encounters with open firefights, which I really like. Focusing on the multilevel section was also very snazzy, and sets this apart from most Sandbox levels. Good job.