Geomerged objects changing position after save.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by The Rudster, Dec 21, 2009.

  1. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    Ok im trying to build a map in the 1st level of sandbox but whenever I try geomerging these Column, Blue Small using Ghost merging it works but when I save the Columns rise from were I had placed them. Please help I realy want to get this map done.

    Edit. Its doing this with all objects.

    The Rudster
    #1 The Rudster, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Umm...that shouldn't be happening. What I recommend, is if you havn't done much on the map DL a different canvas and restart.
  3. Bubba Doongai

    Bubba Doongai Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd like an answer to this as well, this has happened to me on several occasions and has really screwed up my maps
  4. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    Hmm I might go find another canvas and see if it makes a difference
  5. G043R

    G043R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is a few reasons for this. I know you don't want to but go ahead and watch your films of forge and pick out if you and see what your doing wrong.

    Lag. Forging in parties can cause objects to be little off after you save them. It is odd but possible

    Soft merging. You could be tricking the object to double merging. Look at Black theorems Carpet merging. It is a merge were the object shifts from how you save and quit.

    You could be ghost merging the object incorrectly off your balance. I'm betting this could be the error but you need to check yourself.

    If problem continue PM me. I'll take a look at your films.
  6. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    Ok, Changing the canvas did nothing but G043R Id like to know how to know how im softmerging and how I could stop it or Merging incorectly. This problem is only happening on the 1st level of the map. (Basement)
  7. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    This had actually happened to me as well. A while ago, I was working on a gradual ramp in the Crypt and the really low objects would rise up out of the ground about halfway. I remember reading somewhere that Ghost-merging only could merge an object halfway into the ground. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's the issue here.
  8. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    Hmm well I have tryed many different ways of merging and the only one that dosent let the objects fall through the map was Ghost Merging.
  9. G043R

    G043R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't get on halo at the moment become my eyes and explain in detail what is gonig on and which of the 3 points do you think is happening.

    Plus American psyco has a point of can only ghost merge objects half way. (technically it is that you can not cover up the forge dot(that little dot on every object in forge))

    I can help you but I need the detail to help. As far as I can tell it is not so much the map but something your doing in placing the object. Don't worry most of the time we can fix it. So go back to your orginal map and tell me/show me what you are doing. Details are important.
  10. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The only possibility that I can think of is, if you're in the Crypt, the lowest part of Sandbox, you can't merge the teardrop below the actual geometry of the map.

    ...Along with not being able to merge more than halfway down.

    Make sure if you're ghost merging that you keep the teardrop within the map.
  11. The Rudster

    The Rudster Ancient

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    I will try another technech of merging the objects upsidedown so the forge dot is above the ground but I dont see anything different from when I can geomerge on other maps its just this one place on this one map.

    Edit: It was a mistake made by me were I was merging the teardrop under the map, Id like to thank the people for helping me as this has been the best and quickest responce I have ever had in a community. Thank you guys for helping me and being the best comunity ever!
    #11 The Rudster, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  12. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    The exact reason for this happening is because the teardrop icon is being merged too low below the ground. Flip the columns over them merge them again it will work fine.

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