Sandbox Titan v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Paranoia UK, Dec 20, 2009.

  1. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Titan Version 2


    Titan is my newest forge map created in the Skybubble in 'Sandbox'. I have tried a number of new things with this map and as such it has turned out very different to most of my other maps. With Titan I have tried to focus mainly on gameplay rather than aesthetics. This was something new to me as I consider myself an aesthetic forger. When I forge I normally try to create a map which is playable on any or all gametypes, but to focus mainly on a clean and proffesional looking map with an number of aesthetically unique structures. As a result my maps normally turn out very detailed, but very small with poor gameplay.

    Titan is my largest map to date, hence the name, and is probably my best in terms of gamplay. If I had to describe what the gameplay is like then I would say it is a cross between Construct and Citadel. There are two main levels, two large staircases connecting them and a large outer walkway.
    On the top level there are long open windows stretching the whole length of the walls. There are also four bunker type windows overlooking the corridors below. The main area at the top also has a pit type opening which takes the player into the chamber underneath.

    On the base level there is a large atrium type room surrounded with open windows similar to those found on the top level. The atrium has three entrances and an elevated section overlooking it. There are also three pits sending the player plummeting to his or her death. Surrounding the artrium is a large corridor which stretches the circumference of the map.
    The map features many long sight lines making it seem very open and easily accessible. I have created the map in such a way that wherever you are standing you can be seen or shot from the other side of the map. This does not however lower gameplay as it is easy enough to get to cover.

    Titan is set up for all gametypes but I find Team Swat to be the best. Failing that Free for All is also very good. I have used a rather limited weapon set up to put more of a focus on to skill and tactics. The power weapons are the sniper and shotgun. To get the sniper you must pick it up downstairs and then get it upstairs for it to be most effective. The shotgun is located evenly between both spawns making it an important early battle. I have used spike grenades as they are most effective with the tight corners and walls in the map.

    Overall I am very happy with this map. The Forging is to a good standard and the layout and setup ensure the game is both fair and fun. Titan has taken me about 30 hours ot make and has been a real joy doing so. Below I have included screenshots of the finished map, some action shots and also some random shots i've taken at random intervals whilst making the map. Thanks for reading

    Weapon List[b/]

    6 x Battle Rifle - 30 second respawn
    4 x SMG - 45 second respawn
    4 X Spiker - 45 second respawn
    1 x Sniper Rifle - 120 second respawn
    1 x Shotgun - 120 second respawn
    4 x Spike Grenade - 30 second respawn
    1 x Power Drain - 12- second respawn

























    Overview Video

    YouTube- Titan Overview Halo 3 Forge

    Thanks for checking out my map, any and all comments are welcome. Please download and rate.

    Titan Version 2
    #1 Paranoia UK, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2009
  2. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Action Shots






    Thanks to my testers :)

    Construction Shots













    #2 Paranoia UK, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  3. Dobam

    Dobam Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow amazing ! I really love the floathing Banshee ! Your desing are great and the astetic too ! Your sniper spawn are great to .

    I give you a 100/10 Because i think its the best map for the moment !


    5 mins later .....


    Question .... It is a symetrical map ?
    #3 Dobam, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  4. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    wow that looks mahoosive.. is it budget glitched and using object limit glitches?

    This is just the sort of map ive been looking for. I'll dl it and give it a proper review in the morning.. recommended gametypes plz?

    T3RA PROWL3R Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would suggest adding maybe a few more weapons/equipment. Also, it seems like this map would be easilly escapable. Because unless you made a custom gametype for this map, you could grenade jump on top of the walls and explore the map from those points.

    Otherwise, nice map. 4.5/5
  6. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow this is huge for the skybubble how did you not run out of money? This looks really well planned out and forged. I really like the design too. I like the hole in the top center it looks cool.

    @recon speller
    Dude learn to type or spell or check you grammar or something everytime you have a post or a thread its impossible to understand and read.
  7. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
    Senior Member

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    epic! absolutely epic! I am very picky and critical about maps and this one especially since the sky bubble is a challenging place to make a good map. This map is excellent although i agree with the other person. Is this map escapable? I would really like you to adress this as to whether it is or not thanks (keep up the good work! look forward to more great maps)

    EDIT:This map is escapable, I found a way out. You can grenade hop onto the oblisk and then youre out it was really easy to do
    #7 II6clique jxIxj, Dec 20, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2009
  8. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have intentionally kept the weapon placement to a minimum to put more of a focus onto skill play rather than just getting rockets and blowing up anything that moves etc.

    I used a budget glitched canvas with all OLN items stacked up. I have used basically all the objects possible to create the map.

    oh crap, i spent so long making the perimeter un-escapable i completely blanked on the Obelisks.

    Looks like version 2 will be coming out earlier than i thought.
  9. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Other than the fact that it can be easily escaped, this map was very nicely executed. Although I have yet to play a game on it, the gameplay appears balanced and the overall aesthetics are beautiful. All sections of the map seem to flow together, which is hard to accomplish when building a map. Due to the fact that I have yet to get a game going on this map, I cannot properly rate the gameplay, but until then, I can't wait until I get a game going on this map! Nice work, Paranoia: 9/10.

    EDIT: There are other ways to escape the perimeter besides getting atop the obelisks: via grenade jumping then power drain jumping over the perimeter (this can be done in numerous locations around the map). Perhaps you can tilt the upper walls of the perimeter in towards the map to discourage escaping it, but it is still likely that it will remain escapable unless the perimeter is increased in height or a roof is constructed. Also, yes, do something about the obelisks.
    #9 Kitten X, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  10. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Very nice Paranoia this turned out so well I was shocked when I downloaded it well done. Keep forging like this and you'll be doing very well for yourself in terms of downloads and popularity.

    Anytime you want a game on this invite me I'm dying to test it out.
  11. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    i don't think that the fact it is escapable is a big deal... What exactly can you do if you escape? fall off and die? It will only really be a problem with vip or oddball and even then, it is unlikely for people to get the chance to escape the map in these gametypes.

    EDIT: i think it the obselisks are an important aspect to the map. That whole area would be open and not very aesthetically pleasing if there was nothing there.​
    #11 CzIz, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2009
  12. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi thanks for the great comments guys. im going to do a version two tonight and edit the main thread with updated pics and a new link. thanks guys :)
  13. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I loved testing this. The pictures don't do the map justice as far as pure surface area and size. There's tons of room, and of course it's all beautifully crafted. If you'd like, Paranoia, I can touch up your screenshots in PS.
  14. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    Exactly. For a map which is built solely for custom games this is only a very small issue that people might:

    - Grenade jump on top of the wall taking down their own shield in the process.
    - Start getting shot and fall down.
  15. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I must intervene.

    Here's the thing: Making maps inescapable is very important. Why? Because even if it's custom games, people want to win, and winning is very easy to do if a map is escapable. How? Simple. Gain the lead, then hide outside the map.


    By walking on the walls of the map, it is very easy to find a spot to hide. Which means you won't be on the walls for very long, making it easier to hide.

    I rest my case.

    On another note, I love the map. I can tell how much work you put into it; with the railings, the aesthetics, and the massive size, it's clear that you put your heart and soul into the map. Fantastic job.
  16. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hi, just to clear things up i am working on a version two as we speak which will be posted up here soon. version 2 will eliminate the problem with being able to escape the map.
  17. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Ancient

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    I would never ever do that in a custom game because they'd probably just boot me. Still I understand where you are coming from.

    Glad you are fixing it anyway Paranoia.
  18. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map works surprisingly well for 1v1, although the spawns aren't setup for that type of battle, so after you killed someone, they would just spawn around the corner. :p

    I also tested the map for 4v4, which was severly epic. It has such a unique layout... perfect for long distance br battles. Yes, the map was escapable, but only because of the power drain. It was far too easy to grenade jump and power drain jump right onto the wall. My only suggestion to fix this would be to replace the power drain with a bubble sheild, which would also be very effective on the map. It's your choice though.

    The sniper spawn is perfect, gameplay-wise and aesthetically. The window is just epic, and having the sniper at the bottem of the map not only promotes gameplay in that area, but also serves to balance the weapon.

    The map overall is flawless when it comes to forging. The railings are by far my favorite part. They serve to protect you from the edge, and look as aesthetically pleasing as it gets.

    Fantastic job dude.
  19. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Titan Version 2 is now up

    I have finally managed to complete Titan Version 2. The changes I have made are listed below.

    - Removed 2 Small Columns from lower level walkway.
    - Exchanged the Power Drain for a Bubbleshield
    - Added 2 Regenerators.
    - Added 1 Needler
    - Exchanged Shotgun for Rocket Launcher
    - Removed Spike Grenades
    - Added 4 Plasma Grenades
    - Raised Obelisks
    - Added 2 Plasma pistols
    - Added 2 Carbines.
    - Added Active Camo

    I have also slightly tweaked the location of some original weapons.

    New Weapon List

    6 x Battle Rifle
    1 x Sniper Rifle
    1 x Rocket Launcher
    1 x Needler
    4 x SMG
    4 x Spiker
    2 x Carbine
    2 x Plasma Pistol

    2 x Regenerator
    1 x Bubbleshield

    4 x Plasma Grenade

    1 x Active Camoflauge

    With the new set up I hope that I have improved the level of gameplay. The map is now much harder to escape and the weapon and equipment changes make it much easier to stay alive. I hope you guys enjoy the new Titan.

    Titan Version 2




  20. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics are perfect in each of your designs, and your new version's weapons keep up with good gameplay and give players some options of what weapons to use so it is not always br vs. br. I see absolutely nothing wrong with V2 of the map, but you should update the original post to the new map.

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