I just finished this last night. I'm pretty proud of it! The sketchy lighting and reddening of the image is due to my poor quality camera. It doesn't know how to handle bright light. Good thing Christmas is coming up =] YouTube- War Machine Speed Drawing - Iron Man 2
Scope: Thanks! Altogether it was about 4 hours. I did the first half like a month ago and dusted off the sketchbook just last night to finish it. That's why the placement of the picture changes so drastically in the middle of the video. Matty: That shoulder was the most difficult part to shade because of the multiple converging light sources in the reference picture. There were 6 tiny reflection dots from the light that you can't really see in the low-res video. Nutster: Thanks! Whisper: Graphite pencils from a set I bought a few years ago. I used one at 6B softness for the whole thing. Believe me, they're not as soft as they look though. It's just the speed of the video. That part at the bottom of the picture that's totally black took about an hour to draw to keep smooth.
you are the best freehand drawer I've seen in quite the long time. Do you work with art all the time?
Most impressive! I'd really like to put together a speed video one of these days. Nice choice, drawing Iron Man like that
Looks amazing! Have you done a drawing for someone before? You definitely should. Start with me first!