A fun obstacle course map, created by : Me( RAYBO) & Doughnut221. This was made just for fun, i dont think their is any merging just basic forging. DOWNLOAD the Correc game type " Play " and the map is called " The Edge " Have Fun their is some secrets so keep your eyes open, here are some pictures, i didnt show all the obstacles, you have to play to see it all. MAP- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102805547 GAMETYPE- http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102805549 START First 3 jumps Ninja Walls Ohh Dang Castle Climb Finish Jump! If you need some help just comment THANKS!!
Epic Win! Unfortunately, you have to embed the pictures, otherwise your thread gets locked in an hour. Use tinypic or something.
Nice Post! Try parsing the links though or whatever it is that makes them say "Bungie.net : File Details". It looks better.
Castle climb reminds me of marble blast. OMG i haz idez we shud make a marble moving map uzin tele blockin tech and golf ballz