Ok well if you want a cool betrayal, I have one that wasn't me, but it's still awesome. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
OK, here's some epic lulz, all by me: Amazing stick I throw a sticky grenade from the corridor next to the sword room to the red team's sniper tower, it went to walkway behind it and stuck a guy. LOL Splatter I blow up a chopper with a tank (in the same game I get my first ever perfection) and one of the wheels of the chopper splattered a guy, getting me a double kill. LOL Splatter 2 This time I destroyed a banshee with a missile pod and a bit of its carcass splattered an enemy, giving me a double kill.
Here are my entries: 180 no-scope x2 This is the second most impressive thing I've ever done in matchmaking. Best ending ever And this is the most impressive thing I've done in matchmaking, Its a little long, but well worth it. Weird death This dude's shotgun goes off as I go to pick it up, after I kill him. Evidence
Ninja16 One of my many ninja kills that i really like. I was play stab-out one day i just so happen to get a 360 ninja with a sword, its pretty cool. Ninja17 Another cool ninja kill in team punchout. I ninja a guy, miss the second ninja, but a guy chases me and i ninja him. Pass by Funny guy with a sword doesnt notice me on blackout, i really dont know how he doesnt see me but it was very funny!
Clutch Fail It's a 3v3 Multi Flag game on Narrows, we're down by 2. I'm running the flag to our base, hoping that we can set up correctly and get sudden death after I cap and at least tie. I go from L3 to the flag, jump, and the flag goes off the map. I then kill myself, and we loose. Rendered Film Clip: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=102865193&rfilm=102888892
http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fileId=91912677 http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fileId=85023348 http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fileId=86406105 http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fileId=86405188 http://www.bungie.net/Silverlight/bungiemediaplayer/embed.aspx?fileId=89136696 Here are some ovies.
Here's mine, its quite funny if i do say so myself: Carpet Ride Its a big team battle match on sandtrap, i board a banshee that gets destroyed right after, so im stuck in an imovable/invincible banshee. Somehow i manage to make it halfway across sandtrap because of a tank that shoots at me. i think the clip is funniest from the tank's standpoint. overall a wtf moment.
Sorry, I don't know how to name the hyperlinks... Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - "Epic". Not too great but it does look epic. I drop down from a pipe on Rat's Nest and Hijack a ghost. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - "Kinda Pro..." - Well I felt sexy when I did it. 3 perfect shots and the bomb carrier warthog was down. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - "Splatter Stop". - I'm just shooting at people when my hornet when the flag carrier goes out of the mancannon. You can guess what happened. Embarrassing. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - "Why I get Boot". I throw a plasma towards the bomb arming spot halfway across the map when my team pulls up in a mongoose with the bomb. Great. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - "That's Sad...". I get in a hornet with my friend, he makes a sharp turn as I get off. I'm stuck respawning. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details - "Splatter". I throw a grenade from the laser tower to camp Froman where the enemy team is capturing the territory from behind a parked hog. There a fusion coils at camp Froman. Ka-boom. It's alot, yes, but I'm planning on making a montage soon so I hope to see how nicely this one is put together. I have a capture card and Windows movie maker, do I need anything else?
Exploding Bullet I kill everyone in a Warthog with my Sniper, and when I snipe the driver, the vehicle explodes fantastically. Killtacular A solid Killtacular on everyone's favorite map, Epitaph. Ghost Snipe Now this one's nice. I'm sniping peacefully on Utah Mambo when a Ghost tries to splatter me... I jump over the Ghost and No-Scope him out. Overkill L Basically a tutorial on how to start a game on Longshore. Return 2 Sender An awesome blooper when me and this other guy throw Spike Grenades at each other, but the Grenades stick together in mid-air, and come back and stick me for a suicide.
Loving the interest in this so far guys, there have been some really great clips submitted already. Thanks for all the submissions, and keep 'em coming guys!
Thanks for the submissions everyone! We're going to close this thread tomorrow morning, so if you have any last minute submissions, be sure to get them in!!! Hope everyone's having a nice Christmas.