If anyone would like to be in a game for a gameplay video, message me (GT: AceOfSpades0707) or Scobra (GT: Bwendon) over XBL.
Really looking forward to this being released, it looks epic. I hope the beautiful architecture plays as good as it looks.
Maybe delete the chooper and the flothing block because its to small for 2 choop and 2 banshee so delete the chooper and the flothing block because the banshee dont have a big halfway so it will be nice to delete the block ! PS : I have played on it ! )
Whatever version you played was an old version. The Choppers and Banshees are not being removed. They are the main focus of the map and the map was constructed with two Choppers and Banshees in mind. any suggestions made from here on out will just be a waste because Ace and I are completely satisfied with the way the map plays as of right now and will not be making anymore edits. Also, thanks to everyone who has been following this map and given us great feedback thus far! We really appreciate it and cannot wait to release the completed version of Sassafras to the world.
This is looks pretty awesome well done guys. Might be a tad overpowered with four powerful vehicles but whatever, BTB is carnage.
BTB on this ? No really i have played a game with my friend on it I t was a lot of spawn kill when it was a 5 v 5 !
I will repeat what Scobra said. You played an older version of the map. Trust us, we know what we're doing and we're not going to change anything. If you would really like to play the newest version, wait until it is released so you can see why we can say this. Until then, trust us.
I think you dont really understand what i said : JFox said it could be cool for BTB and i siad no because ... to lot of spawn kill ! But the chooper are O ... K but the floating block its not the best idea you had thinked !
Do you listen? Scobra and I both specifically said that those floating blocks are in an older version and WILL NOT be in the released version. And when I said we know what we're doing, I meant that we have fixed these spawn killing problems.
dude the map looks okay but your forging is really sloppy. So try cleaning it up a bit if you want to recieve more downloads
Sloppy? Have even seen this map yet? Besides, who gives a **** and a half if it has some sloppy parts. What matters is that the gameplay is solid and plays as well as we hoped. Ace and I know what we are doing. If you don't like the way the map is, then don't download it. A good amount of people who have played this map time after time will disagree that with what you are saying completely.
Obviously this game is an aesthetic marvel. I can't really tell how it is when it comes to gameplay, but so far it looks like you have a extremely solid map.